Well I officially have 5.5 days left until I am off all summer. I am so overjoyed by this tid-bit of information I can hardly keep it to myself. And the best part of it all is it’s keeping me in a good mood! Stella and I are literally going to spend every waking hour together this summer and I couldn’t be more thrilled about anything, I’m serious folks, not even a trip to Hawaii could beat out this feeling I have!
· I had my first officially mother’s day this month. It was wonderful. I spent it with Stella, Michael, and my mom (my three favorite people ever). Michael got me flowers, my mom cooked for us and we went on walks, fabulous. (Also if you aren’t catching on, I’m easy to please)
· I’m wrapping up things with school. All my students are focusing on their big final projects and seniors are out of here in less than a week. I’m working hard on getting my first yearbook together and complete by the end of next week!
· I’ve decided to grow my hair out and go dye-less this summer, admittedly, though I am starting to gray right at my hair line, so we’ll see how long that last.
· Michael and I have it on our agenda to act as though we’re paying the $200 a week for daycare, but instead paying down stupid bills and hopefully catching up by the summer’s end.
· We don’t have any vacations planned, though we may venture to Tennessee to see Michael’s sister or Georgia to see his Aunt, this contradicts us saving money so we’ll see.
· I’ve bought a bike trailer and am looking for a bike. Stella and I are going to hit the pool and trail daily so I can work this extra weight off. She’ll be my motivator for sure.
· Stella starts SKIP swim lessons May 30, totally excited for this!!!
Stella is a great eater, has been for a few weeks now. We started her on the rice cereal just at four months, and kept that up for a few weeks or so. We started adding pureed veggies and grains and things are going great. She gums on apple pieces and bananas if she can pick them up.
She’s been a wonderful sleeper since day one! And for this I am so thankful. She does wake off schedule ever once in awhile and this week seems to be one of those; getting up at 11 or 12ish for a bottle and again at 3 or 4ish. I read teething and developmental accomplishments will disrupt sleeping habits. I think she’s going through both. She’s able to sit now, though not full on her own. She was rolling a while back but hasn’t managed to do it again, and still hates tummy time.
Six month check up will be in June.
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