BeBe Bildner
A blog about becoming a family.
Friday, March 15, 2019
A timeline of Thank Yous:
Back to Blogging
I was going to turn the blog into something about my struggles with Lucy, but after revisiting the site I realized I wanted to keep it about it's original intent, becoming a family. Lucy will play a role in this blog, just as will Cyrus and Stella as I find writing and "getting my feelings out there" rather therapeutic. There will be a lot about Lucy I'm sure, because I need more "therapeutic outlets" for her, but I am a mommy to two other babies and a wife so I need to leave the option open.
Bare with me as I find my footing again, and thank you for the support.
Friday, January 31, 2014
What's in a Name?
Thursday, January 30, 2014
A Birth Story (Baby Sister)

Wednesday, July 31, 2013
A Summer of Sorry
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Angry Momma (pissed off, more like it)
To start off, I'm pissed, momma pissed. Like -- you messed with my baby, questioning my parenting tactics put other kids before my kids, pissed me off, momma pissed.
Call me crazy, but my kid uses a binki, nook, paci, etc. She needs it to sooth herself, here's the really crazy part: I'M OK WITH IT. For goodness sakes, I know five-year-olds who still suck their thumbs (what's the effing difference??).
Scene One: Stella started back to the same daycare in August, after our summer break. I noticed quite a bit of hesitation on her part about going back to daycare after a few weeks or so. Then I over heard one of the directors state, how they "rip, snatch, yank that thing out of her mouth". Light-bulb moment - I asked the director to stop doing this, and Stella anxiety subsided ten-fold.
Scene Two - A few months ago I noticed Stella's usual 2-3 hour nap had turned into 20, 35, 10 minutes and the one time of NO NAP that read across her daily report. I asked what was going on and low and behold, they weren't letting her have her binki during nap time anymore. We had fallen into a good routine of her not needing it during the day, and then taking it at nap time... I asked they pick up the schedule again. Crisis averted the second time and we were back to normal.
Scene Three - Today I walk in to pick her up. There is a lengthy note on her daily report as to how the other kids are starting to get jealous of Stella having her binki, and they are asking I no longer give it to her at school. I asked if she was sleeping without it, "No, she won't sleep without it"....
Now, I ask you this, are they making sure the kids who are sucking their thumbs are refraining for the children whose parents don't want their kids to suck their thumbs? Doubtful! Needless to say Stella is back to sleeping 35 minutes a day because they are refusing to give her the binki. I don't see the point. I don't know what it's like to manage 2yo (I work with 15+) but I don't see why my child has to forego, if it benifits her. She obviously needs naps, long naps, and she's not getting them.
I talked to Michael and my mom, both thinks we should try it for a while, but if she doesn't start taking efficient naps, she gets the binki. (I'll keep this updated)
I just don't understand people's hangups with binkis.... little known fact, I had mine until I was FOUR!
Monday, April 2, 2012
Magical Moon
To my baby girl,
You learned what the moon was tonight. You, your daddy, and I were walking around after dinner and the moon was big enough to still be seen in the daylight. I saw you studying it for awhile and then you pointed up to it looked at me and asked “ball?” I smiled at your curiosity and simply said “no, baby girl, moon”. You looked at it a little while, realizing before you even asked if it was a ball, it was something different, then lowered your voice and still keeping your eyes up at the moon said “mooooon”. We were at a turn on the side walk and as the stroller turned the moon moved out of sight, I watch as you watch it until it was behind the house.
I texted your Mahma about my experience and being the eloquent author she is was able to capture the moment in one word, “Magical”.
I thought about this magical moment and realized not many people can recall learning about something so far from their reality, so distant in their imagination like the moon. So I thought I would write you a letter to let you know when you officially noticed the moon. I hope this magical moment stays with you. I often call your Mahma, or your Uncle Skyler, and have your daddy drive around in circles because the moon looks extra special some nights.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for the magic in my life!
With all my love,