As I'm discovering how to be a mom myself who better to get advice from, than my own mother, personally I think she did a kick-ass job of raising her own children! And she's always full of it (advice that is :-) So when I received this information from her recently I thought it was the BEST piece of advice I've received so far and something I wanted to share with all those mommies and mommies-to-be out there...
To being a mommy—here’s something you might be figuring out—what Stella does one week most likely will be different the next week. So it would be more correct of you to say, “Stella has slept through the night the past 3 nights in a row” rather than that it is how she does it forever and always. You’ll be saying “Stella is sleeping in her crib now” when she in fact she decides she doesn’t like it at all for the next week after that. Same thing with solid food—likes it one day, doesn’t like it the next. Likes the swing, doesn’t like the swing. Has a few good days at the daycare, then she doesn’t. So it goes.
You’re good to accept how she is in this moment and go with it. And that’s pretty much the best tip I can give you as a mother. One day you’re best buds with your child, the next day, she’s a pre-teen and driving you ever-loving nuts. But—you never stop loving her. No matter how much you argue over whether or not she should empty the dishwasher. That’s the magic of mothering and children. :-)
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