As people often say, hold on to every moment you can, because they will grow up so fast. I tear up at the thought of this post. My baby has seemingly, overnight turned from a whining uncommunicative one-year-old in to a little girl. -Using a spoon for the first time with mommy.

I've had a rough week personally, and I found myself almost getting tired of the mom thing, the wife things, the everything thing. I would somber home, get through meal time, bath time, and bed time. Michael and I would eat and I would mope around in baggy sweats and depart to bed around 8:30 or so. I could have slept the whole week and not felt rested one bit! Needless to say I was happy to see Friday come.
Michael started off my weekend right: pizza and a movie tonight! Yes, please. I fought through a headache and a Friday night show then I was off to bed. The 5:00AM call from the little munchkin wasn't as bad as it could have been, so I volunteered it to be "my morning."
We enjoyed a bottle of milk (she still takes one at bed time and nap time, and every so often in the morning) then we played with toys, and books, and puzzles. She loves using her new walking ability as much as she can and she's learned to not start throwing a hissy-fit every time she falls. It's more like an "oh" and she grunts herself back up. I love it.
We woke daddy and took a Wal-Mart run and about 9:30 the baby was out. She's doing well with naps. On the weekend, she takes about a 1.5-2hr nap in the mid morning hours, about 5 hours after she wakes up. However, at daycare they're able to get her to wait until after lunch for a nap... I don't see how.
When she woke up we had a joyous lunch and then headed to the Library. I loved just watching her make friends with the other kids there. Slowly approach them. Trying to jump like the big four year olds can, going off on her own to show her assertive confident self (I don't need them, is what I say in my head). She's wonderful. -Library Hangout

The afternoon lead into us playing and and giggling. Very little whining and crying. She can sign so well, and this helps the communication gap most toddlers and parents experience I'm sure. She says words back to you, baaboo (balloon), up, down, Tanta (Santa).... She then followed a wonderful afternoon with a great dinner time and an easy bedtime (this is typical).
She's grown so quickly in such a small amount of time. She is so happy and full. She likes learning and as a mother you almost couldn't ask for anything more.
Thank you dear Bean, I love learning from you.
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