Friday, July 30, 2010
CP Cyst - Nada!
Yesterday we had our US to check up on everything especially the CP Cyst. Basically in healthy babies these tend to go away on their own and that's exactly what this one did. They didn't see any remaining cyst and she's as healthy as a whistle.
Also the other 10% was confirmed and they are still calling her a girl!
She measured 22wks 1dy, as of yesterday my calculations were 22wks 0dy. She was 50.2% in weight, growth and height.
Basically she's perfect and probably the most beautiful being on the planet at the moment!

Worlds most beautiful profile and little hands

Little feet and legs crossed, always a lady
Monday, July 26, 2010
So Michael and I have entered the big debate on whether or not to tell people the name we have picked out. There are several viable reasons to do so and not to do so, but how to decide which has more umph?
Our reasoning’s are just, though they may seem materialistic or self absorbed.
1. Con-We have already had someone bad-mouth or potential boy name (before we knew) leading to the main reason behind Michael not wanting to tell anyone.
2. Con-It’s something special that we still share between the two of us (though we have told a few close friends and my mom--so . . .)
3. Con-Are we sure this is the name we are going to actually name her when she’s born. We had friends saying they were going to name their baby one name all through the pregnancy and when the baby was born it was not named that. (no skin off my back, but just another note to consider)
4. Con-Michael doesn’t want to tell anyone, but I am OK with it. I don’t want to make him to do something he doesn’t want to do.
5. Pro-It’s the most beautiful name in the world to us at this moment, why wouldn’t we share it?
6. Pro-At this point if someone told me they went to school with a bully/slut/pig/etc. named _______ and they hated the name I wouldn’t care.
7. Pro-We have several friends that are pregnant right now, some already have a name and others don’t know what they’re having. What if they pick the same name as us and we haven’t “claimed” it?
8. Pro-If the name accidentally slips it won’t be a big deal if everyone already knows.
So what to do? I guess that’s something Michael and I need to sit down and figure out.
Our reasoning’s are just, though they may seem materialistic or self absorbed.
1. Con-We have already had someone bad-mouth or potential boy name (before we knew) leading to the main reason behind Michael not wanting to tell anyone.
2. Con-It’s something special that we still share between the two of us (though we have told a few close friends and my mom--so . . .)
3. Con-Are we sure this is the name we are going to actually name her when she’s born. We had friends saying they were going to name their baby one name all through the pregnancy and when the baby was born it was not named that. (no skin off my back, but just another note to consider)
4. Con-Michael doesn’t want to tell anyone, but I am OK with it. I don’t want to make him to do something he doesn’t want to do.
5. Pro-It’s the most beautiful name in the world to us at this moment, why wouldn’t we share it?
6. Pro-At this point if someone told me they went to school with a bully/slut/pig/etc. named _______ and they hated the name I wouldn’t care.
7. Pro-We have several friends that are pregnant right now, some already have a name and others don’t know what they’re having. What if they pick the same name as us and we haven’t “claimed” it?
8. Pro-If the name accidentally slips it won’t be a big deal if everyone already knows.
So what to do? I guess that’s something Michael and I need to sit down and figure out.
You don’t know true fear until you’re a parent.
I had mentioned in an earlier entry that the baby has a Choroid Plexus Cyst (CPC) and that we were going back to get things checked out. I thought now that I’m 100% more relaxed and educated about the situation I would comment on it and let everyone know what is going on.
When Michael and I had our 19 week Ultra Sound (US) the tech just merely suggested to us that they will order another US because she wasn’t able to get a good read of the baby’s brain and this is something they like to have.
So the following Thursday I went in for a normal doctor’s appointment and thankfully I took my mom. The doctor checked the growth of my uterus, my weight, blood pressure, and the heart beat. Everything seemed fine and she asked me about the US. I told her it was fun to see the baby and that it was a girl.
My doctor was looking down at the papers and said “everything looks fine except” . . . . my heart sank, my emotions hit the floor and I couldn’t focus on much. I looked at her and was ready for her to finish. She explained to me that they saw a CPC, which is a cyst on the glad that makes spinal cord fluid in the US and that is why they were issuing another US. She told me the CPC has a slight association to chromosomal disorders like Downs and Trisomy 18. “But everything else looks just fine, Aubrey” I remember the doctor saying. She also told me she hadn’t personally seen the CPC have a negative outcome for any of the babies she’d delivered.
When we were checking out, the doctor told the receptionist to schedule a Level II US and that date was set for July 29. She also told me I should have blood work done. My mom met and old friend on the way out and it helped to clear my head a bit. When we stepped onto the elevator my mom said “you handled that a lot better that I thought you would have” I lost it. Cried the whole way down and out of the building and my mom had to drive me home.
The thoughts I was feeling were all conflicting and confused, I was mad at myself, concerned, scared, tired, worried. Things you can’t even imagine. And I realized at that point I had never really known true fear in my life. I hadn’t even held her in my arms and I felt for her.
The blood work, I had the following day and had to wait three days, but it came back fine. The US we are having this Thursday is to double check things. And like I said I feel better about it 100% better in fact. Though, I am still saying little prayers that she will be fine. I have faith in God and really at this point that’s all I can have. I will update everyone on Thursday – seems to be the day associated with this pregnancy far more than an email update. I wouldn’t be surprise if she comes on a Thursday (say Thanksgiving) :-)
When Michael and I had our 19 week Ultra Sound (US) the tech just merely suggested to us that they will order another US because she wasn’t able to get a good read of the baby’s brain and this is something they like to have.
So the following Thursday I went in for a normal doctor’s appointment and thankfully I took my mom. The doctor checked the growth of my uterus, my weight, blood pressure, and the heart beat. Everything seemed fine and she asked me about the US. I told her it was fun to see the baby and that it was a girl.
My doctor was looking down at the papers and said “everything looks fine except” . . . . my heart sank, my emotions hit the floor and I couldn’t focus on much. I looked at her and was ready for her to finish. She explained to me that they saw a CPC, which is a cyst on the glad that makes spinal cord fluid in the US and that is why they were issuing another US. She told me the CPC has a slight association to chromosomal disorders like Downs and Trisomy 18. “But everything else looks just fine, Aubrey” I remember the doctor saying. She also told me she hadn’t personally seen the CPC have a negative outcome for any of the babies she’d delivered.
When we were checking out, the doctor told the receptionist to schedule a Level II US and that date was set for July 29. She also told me I should have blood work done. My mom met and old friend on the way out and it helped to clear my head a bit. When we stepped onto the elevator my mom said “you handled that a lot better that I thought you would have” I lost it. Cried the whole way down and out of the building and my mom had to drive me home.
The thoughts I was feeling were all conflicting and confused, I was mad at myself, concerned, scared, tired, worried. Things you can’t even imagine. And I realized at that point I had never really known true fear in my life. I hadn’t even held her in my arms and I felt for her.
The blood work, I had the following day and had to wait three days, but it came back fine. The US we are having this Thursday is to double check things. And like I said I feel better about it 100% better in fact. Though, I am still saying little prayers that she will be fine. I have faith in God and really at this point that’s all I can have. I will update everyone on Thursday – seems to be the day associated with this pregnancy far more than an email update. I wouldn’t be surprise if she comes on a Thursday (say Thanksgiving) :-)
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
"Has it been easy?"
Well I have never really thought about my stats regarding my pregnancy until someone asked me the other day “have you had an easy pregnancy?” After really thinking about it I had concluded that I have not had an exactly "easy time" with this; nonetheless, I would do it again in a heart beat.
What makes this “not easy”:
1. I have had morning sickness since week six and I’m slowing venturing into my 21 week and still have it.
2. I had minor spotting week four and had to be put on progesterone supplements and go in for a pelvic.
3. Bad cramping in my abdomen at 15 weeks and went to the ER, it was just round ligament pains.
4. Road Trip to South Carolina – kicked me in the butt, swollen ankles and feet, constant vomiting, and headaches.
5. Migraine, can’t take anything strong enough for them while pregnant.
6. Choroid Plexus Cyst was found on one of the ultrasounds and had to do extra blood work and another ultrasound to test for chromosomal disorders.
a. I haven’t blogged about the CPC, because it was scary stuff and to put myself though that was though enough, and to blog about it would have been harder. I did get my blood results back and all is fine. We are scheduled for the Level II ultrasound next Thursday, July 29. But I’m thinking all will be okay.
All in all I think we are doing rather well considering. I’m not complaining by any means it just got me thinking when I was asked that, as I haven’t really had to put together the components of the equation before.
Last night was my first night I felt really uncomfortable lying on by belly. I could feel the hardening of my belly and I don’t think the baby appreciated it much, as she seemed to move around a lot more.
My favorite time of day is just after dinner when we sit down and watch TV. I can for sure feel her move then and I’m finding I look forward to that moment of the day more than any.
Over all life is still swell! God bless the pregnant ladies.
What makes this “not easy”:
1. I have had morning sickness since week six and I’m slowing venturing into my 21 week and still have it.
2. I had minor spotting week four and had to be put on progesterone supplements and go in for a pelvic.
3. Bad cramping in my abdomen at 15 weeks and went to the ER, it was just round ligament pains.
4. Road Trip to South Carolina – kicked me in the butt, swollen ankles and feet, constant vomiting, and headaches.
5. Migraine, can’t take anything strong enough for them while pregnant.
6. Choroid Plexus Cyst was found on one of the ultrasounds and had to do extra blood work and another ultrasound to test for chromosomal disorders.
a. I haven’t blogged about the CPC, because it was scary stuff and to put myself though that was though enough, and to blog about it would have been harder. I did get my blood results back and all is fine. We are scheduled for the Level II ultrasound next Thursday, July 29. But I’m thinking all will be okay.
All in all I think we are doing rather well considering. I’m not complaining by any means it just got me thinking when I was asked that, as I haven’t really had to put together the components of the equation before.
Last night was my first night I felt really uncomfortable lying on by belly. I could feel the hardening of my belly and I don’t think the baby appreciated it much, as she seemed to move around a lot more.
My favorite time of day is just after dinner when we sit down and watch TV. I can for sure feel her move then and I’m finding I look forward to that moment of the day more than any.
Over all life is still swell! God bless the pregnant ladies.
Morning Sickness,
Second Trimester
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
I'm in Love
Not much to say right now except for the fact that I'm in love... I can feel her a lot more often and my life is really starting to be all about her.
I see rainbows - literaly - everywhere and I just know it's my baby girl telling me she's doing just fine.
I see rainbows - literaly - everywhere and I just know it's my baby girl telling me she's doing just fine.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Motherly Instincts – Mommy 0 - Baby .9
Well yesterday was the big day. My mom came into town and to kill time before the 2:45 deadline, we let Michael take us to lunch at Breskeez to watch the Dutch beat Uruguay in the semi finals of the FIFA World Cup. We were only about 10 minutes from the ultrasound place so about 2:30 headed that way. After extensive paper work and the Tyra show we were called back.
The tech was very accommodating to Michael, my mom, and me and we got started with warm goo squirted all over my belly. We saw the obvious outline of the body and the bones, like the ribs, spinal cord and all were very obvious and this made me happy to see. The heart was also obviously beating and again very happy.
The baby was lying side to side with its back against mine, but facing us, in a way. So the tech wasn’t able to get a good picture of either end, the babies rump and the brain. After much coercing the baby still didn’t move and every time the tech tried to see the little privates, the baby would cross their legs, and one time the cord was even in the way. But after much ado, the tech announces “I’m about 90% sure it’s a girl”. Well there went my first test at motherly instincts! But we're happy nonetheless!
My lesson – don’t tell people what you might think it is, because if/when you end up being wrong they replay “I told you so” like they had better comprehension as to what was going on in my uterus then I did!
My thinking – well yes I’m going to defend myself! Michael wanted a girl from day one, I didn’t want to disappoint daddy, so I talked myself (and Michael) into it possibly being a boy so there was no disappointment.
Granted there was NO disappointment what-so-ever! I’m more please all her vitals are working fine than the fact my instincts were a little off. We will have to go back in three or so weeks so they’re able to get a better picture of the brain and can confirm the other 10% for us!

Like I said, she wasn't the most cooperative, but apparently this is her little
girliness. :-)
The tech was very accommodating to Michael, my mom, and me and we got started with warm goo squirted all over my belly. We saw the obvious outline of the body and the bones, like the ribs, spinal cord and all were very obvious and this made me happy to see. The heart was also obviously beating and again very happy.
The baby was lying side to side with its back against mine, but facing us, in a way. So the tech wasn’t able to get a good picture of either end, the babies rump and the brain. After much coercing the baby still didn’t move and every time the tech tried to see the little privates, the baby would cross their legs, and one time the cord was even in the way. But after much ado, the tech announces “I’m about 90% sure it’s a girl”. Well there went my first test at motherly instincts! But we're happy nonetheless!
My lesson – don’t tell people what you might think it is, because if/when you end up being wrong they replay “I told you so” like they had better comprehension as to what was going on in my uterus then I did!
My thinking – well yes I’m going to defend myself! Michael wanted a girl from day one, I didn’t want to disappoint daddy, so I talked myself (and Michael) into it possibly being a boy so there was no disappointment.
Granted there was NO disappointment what-so-ever! I’m more please all her vitals are working fine than the fact my instincts were a little off. We will have to go back in three or so weeks so they’re able to get a better picture of the brain and can confirm the other 10% for us!
Life is grande!

Like I said, she wasn't the most cooperative, but apparently this is her little
girliness. :-)
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Well guess who’s got an appetite, yup me, and is it bigger than ever.
It was about Wednesday this week and I woke up without any nausea or vomiting and went straight for the Crispix; I haven’t been able to feel full since.
It’s a weird feeling, wanting to eat, as it’s been almost 12 week since I’ve actually felt like even looking at food. I’m extra leery about packing on the preggo pounds now (as I finish my bag of chocolate dipped almonds). I have surprisingly lost 14 pounds over the last 12 weeks in the process of basically not eating (or vomiting what I do eat up), and I have gained two of those back since yesterday. I find I’m hungry every two hours. I ate at 5:00am, 7:00am, 9:30am, noon, 4:00, and I’m already looking forward to my stir-fry dinner. I’m going to have to focus on fruits and veggies and not much else. I’ll be okay if I gain the 14lbs back, but I’m in no hurry for anymore – fluffy women don’t need much more.
It’s good to enjoy food again, though; however I still seem to feel waves of nausea at strange but reasonable things, like the sauerkraut at the hot dog stand, or the urine in boy’s bathroom at school . . .
Cooking was my ultimate hobby before I got pregnant and with the great schedule I’m going to get with the new position and my new found love of food again, and not to mention us being able to afford cable now, Giada*, Ina*, and I will be cooking up a storm.
Thursday update – my uterus is the size of a small melon the baby is comparable to a sweet potato. Also beginning to wonder if I really felt it move that first time, as I haven’t felt anything since and I am very anxious to. The little guy/gal can hear things now and publications encourage Michael and me to talk to it . . . honestly, not quite feeling like doing that at the moment (I hope that’s normal).
*FoodNet Work program hostesses
It was about Wednesday this week and I woke up without any nausea or vomiting and went straight for the Crispix; I haven’t been able to feel full since.
It’s a weird feeling, wanting to eat, as it’s been almost 12 week since I’ve actually felt like even looking at food. I’m extra leery about packing on the preggo pounds now (as I finish my bag of chocolate dipped almonds). I have surprisingly lost 14 pounds over the last 12 weeks in the process of basically not eating (or vomiting what I do eat up), and I have gained two of those back since yesterday. I find I’m hungry every two hours. I ate at 5:00am, 7:00am, 9:30am, noon, 4:00, and I’m already looking forward to my stir-fry dinner. I’m going to have to focus on fruits and veggies and not much else. I’ll be okay if I gain the 14lbs back, but I’m in no hurry for anymore – fluffy women don’t need much more.
It’s good to enjoy food again, though; however I still seem to feel waves of nausea at strange but reasonable things, like the sauerkraut at the hot dog stand, or the urine in boy’s bathroom at school . . .
Cooking was my ultimate hobby before I got pregnant and with the great schedule I’m going to get with the new position and my new found love of food again, and not to mention us being able to afford cable now, Giada*, Ina*, and I will be cooking up a storm.
Thursday update – my uterus is the size of a small melon the baby is comparable to a sweet potato. Also beginning to wonder if I really felt it move that first time, as I haven’t felt anything since and I am very anxious to. The little guy/gal can hear things now and publications encourage Michael and me to talk to it . . . honestly, not quite feeling like doing that at the moment (I hope that’s normal).
*FoodNet Work program hostesses
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