Monday, July 26, 2010


So Michael and I have entered the big debate on whether or not to tell people the name we have picked out. There are several viable reasons to do so and not to do so, but how to decide which has more umph?

Our reasoning’s are just, though they may seem materialistic or self absorbed.

1. Con-We have already had someone bad-mouth or potential boy name (before we knew) leading to the main reason behind Michael not wanting to tell anyone.
2. Con-It’s something special that we still share between the two of us (though we have told a few close friends and my mom--so . . .)
3. Con-Are we sure this is the name we are going to actually name her when she’s born. We had friends saying they were going to name their baby one name all through the pregnancy and when the baby was born it was not named that. (no skin off my back, but just another note to consider)
4. Con-Michael doesn’t want to tell anyone, but I am OK with it. I don’t want to make him to do something he doesn’t want to do.
5. Pro-It’s the most beautiful name in the world to us at this moment, why wouldn’t we share it?
6. Pro-At this point if someone told me they went to school with a bully/slut/pig/etc. named _______ and they hated the name I wouldn’t care.
7. Pro-We have several friends that are pregnant right now, some already have a name and others don’t know what they’re having. What if they pick the same name as us and we haven’t “claimed” it?
8. Pro-If the name accidentally slips it won’t be a big deal if everyone already knows.

So what to do? I guess that’s something Michael and I need to sit down and figure out.


  1. Tough call indeed. I agree - lots of pros and cons! I think if it was me I'd keep it quiet, only because I'd be pissed if I heard people dogging the name I'd picked...

  2. "and a few good friends..." boo!!!! I am tearing up now to see that I am not included in that elusive circle. Jking. I cannot wait to find out the name of my niece. By the way, when I do find out, just know that I will spoil her with personalized pencils, cups, tshirts, and anything else I can find with her name on it!

  3. By the way, it's Cassie but my name didn't show up, didn't want you to think I was a creepy stalker reading about baby BeBe

  4. Tough call... just do what you feel is best for you. It's nice having something between the two of you. But at the same time I know what you mean by that "claim" thing. I worried about that with mitch a lot for some reason.... weird.
