So today was a double good Thursday! I got my email updates which the big thing this week is reflexes and the little person is about the size of a plum, 2 inches long head to rump.
But the best part of today was my doctor’s visit. I have been trying to get in and see my doctor since last Tuesday for my first official appointment. There have been numerous babies born and that has kept me from getting in to see her. I wasn’t complaining, I would want her there for my birth. So luckily I had taken today and tomorrow off and they were able to get me in.
I did as a good patient should and drank a glass of water on the way there so my bladder would be full for my urine sample. I checked in, peed in the cup, and found a good People magazine to read. When Nurse Dawn called for me we did my blood pressure, a solid 128/80 and my weight (I’ve managed to lose 8.5lbs) I explained I wasn't keeping much down.
A little more waiting and then the doctor came in. She asked how I was and told me I no longer needed to take the progesterone, which might help with the nausea, and if I don’t have any luck in the next week to call and she will give me medication for that (this week has been a rough week with the vomiting).
Then came the fun stuff, the Doppler. I lowered my draws and she slathered my belly up and started searching for that little guy/gal. She didn’t find anything off the bat and told me that was normal this early in the game. She could hear movement and a slight heartbeat but wanted to double check me on the ultrasound! Oh excitement, I hadn’t been expecting to see it again so soon!
So into the US room with more goo on my belly and a big computer screen staring me in the face. Again had to do a little searching, I have a tilted uterus…. And pop there he/she was again, and this time it totally looked like a human. He/she was still sitting rather low in my pelvis which is why it was hard to find the heartbeat. The best part was every time the doctor would find him/her it would jump, literally! We were laughing so hard, I had to turn my head so I wouldn’t laugh so she could get a good reading.
A great end to a tough week!

The scan doesn’t look like much, but the baby's little head is bottom mid-right and it's belly is just to the left of that, there is a small arm/hand just above the belly.