Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Morning Sickness

Well thankfully I'm already 9 weeks pregnant. I say thankfully because I have been suffering through morning sickness since about week 6 and I'm told relief will come at the end of my 12 weeks/first trimester. I hate to make this my first blog entry, but honestly it's all I think, do, sleep, and eat/don't eat these days...

I will lie in bed in the mornings dreading getting up knowing it will trigger some sort of a gag. I get pissed at myself and in an almost daring way tell myself to throw something up. I know I haven't eaten in the last 12 hours, nothing's coming up. So needless to say I sit on the side of the bed and heave for a while until I can move enough to get up.

Michael is sweet and feeds the dog, a smell I usually can't stand even sans pregnancy, while I'm frantically, in a very lethargic way, opening the winds in the house. Such a romantic life we lead. God bless Michael.

If I can get something down for breakfast and I usually try to, I may have a muffin, banana, or cereal. This morning I had a bagel, my mom has been suggesting toast, and gets upset when I tell her I ate something other than toast in the morning, so hopefully the bagel will suffice the opinionated MeMa-to-be. Which in all reality she "probably" (she does) knows what she’s talking about. She informed me of a god-sent remedy she used for her queasiness during pregnancy; Cheez-Its – and goodness are they ever, would cure a pregnant horse in my opinion.

For the most part this feeling will last all day (7-4:30) and by the time dinner rolls around I’m starving as all I’ve eaten is Cheez-Its. Though this is all more than inconvenient, for the time being, I thank God and Mother Nature what seems to be hourly for letting me experience this miracle.

1 comment:

  1. This is such a neat thing you are doing by keeping a blog. Make sure to keep a printed record of it all so you can show your little kiddo one day how everything progressed! I can't wait to read your daily entries!! :) LOVE YOU!
