Friday, May 7, 2010


New City – Three years ago I dropped everything and went back to school on a mission for a teaching certificate, and got my Masters in the process. Since graduation last year I have been looking for a teaching position and am still actively looking.

Through the strong coaxing of my mom, I have slowed the looking every since I found out I was pregnant. You see New City pays 100% of my health benefits and 50% of any spouse or dependent To add on to that I also get six weeks PAID maternity leave, something that isn’t every common now-a-days. Not to mention, my boss, is very caring towards her employees, especially pregnant female employees. So I have no doubt she would be rather understanding when all of this comes full swing.

The draw back – I make less money than I have at any professional job post graduation than I ever have and ever hope to! I have my masters and an internal struggle that I’m not getting what I’m worth...I’m not! So through my mom’s coaxing and Michael encouraging me to find a job that makes more money I have recently applied for two very promising positions.

One of the positions I found on MOREAP, the website that caters to teachers looking for jobs or anyone looking for a job in mostly public school systems, the jobs is a high school position at Fort Zumwalt, starting salary at least $12,000 more than what I’m making now. The second position isn’t fully opened yet, but my cooperating teacher called me about it and told me to send my resume to the HR head of City of St. Charles School District, again $10,000 pay increase. All those pay increases may sound like a lot, but I actually don’t make a lot at all, so those thousands of dollars will just bring me up to speed with the rest of the working world.

Struggle – it’s hard enough to talk to the nurses and office staff about what my current insurance will take and cover during this processes and the intimidation of switching to a new job and potentially new insurance is daunting! But my big pictures is simply this – if I’m making that much more in my salary I can get over the shit I’m going to have to deal with insurance...right?

1 comment:

  1. sounds like there is no right or wrong in this situation... you just have to follow your heart and it sounds like TEACHING is where you belong! Good Luck Doll!!
