Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A Scare

We first found out we were having a baby on a Tuesday morning. My normal Aunt Flow visit, if you will, is usually the second to last Thursday of the month until the last Tuesday of the month (I know this because we were attempting to start a family and you keep charts of this stuff).

So the last Tuesday of March rolled around and I hadn’t gotten my visit. Monday night prior, I bought the cheapest at home pregnancy test I could find (those things can run an upwards of $30) either you are or you aren’t, is how I see it. So Tuesday morning I jumped out of bed and held my pee for what seemed like way to long trying to tear open the package and read the directions. So I do my thing: 10 seconds, mid stream, and wait. It was still early so when the second little window started to turn from a minus sign to a plus sign I had to rub my eyes and blink a few times.

Michael and I literally rolled around in bed, kicking our heels to the ceiling, I couldn’t believe it. Grins and giggles and fun texts messages all day about being a mom and dad were exchanged. We had lunch and giggled some more!

I called the doctor’s office Tuesday morning after we found out. They told me they would be able to get me in April 21, about three weeks from that point, but that I was suppose to get blood work done tomorrow morning so they could double check the pee test.

Wednesday morning before work I went and got blood work done and headed off to work, the day again was filled with giggles and fun text exchanges. But the drive home was a different story. I started to feel a very dull cramp in my lower right side and every bump I hit in the road made it worst. I got home and Michael was making dinner and something started not to feel right. I used the bathroom and noticed a lot of bleeding, something that’s not normal for a pregnant woman. So I sighed and told Michael we might have got our hopes up too quickly. I got extremely tired that night and called it an early night.

I called my doctor the next morning and explained to her that I must have got a false positive. “Nope, you’re blood work came back full fledge pregnant, you need to come in right away.” WHAT! Are you kidding me, I had already excepted the fact this wasn’t going to happen and she tells me that things must just be out of whack and they need to get things back into whack. So with the doctor’s visit and the subsided bleeding it was determined that I have low levels of the hormone Progesterone, everything else was headed in the right direction for making this little seed into a baby.

Low Progesterone levels will cause the lining of the uterus to become week and bleeding during pregnancy is a common side effect of these low levels. This has to be kept under control or it could turn into something worst. The doctor has put me on prescription bio-identical Progesterone call Prometrium (more to come on my love of Prometrium) for my first trimester. Since then things have been going smoothly.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't realize pregnancy tests were so expensive...good thing you only needed one!
