It was the Monday before my expected due date, I had my normal weekly meeting with my doctor and we spoke about induction. I was fairly antsy and it had gotten to the point I wanted to meet my baby girl more than anything so we settled on the induction to begin that Thursday midnight. (Good thing we did, because it proved she was overdue, I had complications)
We made a late night Wal-Mart run before heading to the hospital, stocked up on Gatorade, cookies, and what-nots that would get both Michael and I through the day. We settled into our room and was put on one unit of pitocin to be increased one unit per hour. I was told by 6 in the morning we would start heading down the stronger road.
I went through the six hours with not much sleep, but much anticipation. With the seven o’clock morning hour came a new nurse and an increase of pitocin. I was handling it well and was able to breath and incorporate all my natural methods. Bam, we hit a wall. My blood pressure was too high and I was diagnosed preeclamptic, not only did this mean I was on strict bedrest I had to lay in only one position on my side, I was also given a magnesium drip that made me feel loopy… the natural birth method was all about moving around, finding a position that was comfortable for you, with the restrictions things weren’t going to go over well.
So after five hours on my side and constant pitocin contractions I uttered the code ward to Michael, he knew I meant business and that I was going to get an epidural. After being on my side for so long and receiving a magnesium drip to prevent seizures, getting to an upright position for the epi caused me to vomit, thus breaking my water. :-)
I started to dilated pretty regularly from that point on and by seven o’clock we were ready to push. My doctor showed up, and we were on our third nurse of the day. I heard the nurse explain to the doctor that the baby had marked variability which meant her heart rate wasn’t staying consistent, but it also wasn’t cause for concern (at least not yet).
With the loopy feeling I was getting from the magnesium drip I was red in the face, hot flashes, foggy headed. So after laboring for 10 hours pushing became a really goofy game. I was passing out in between pushes, and almost sleeping through the whole thing, I remember pushing but it seems like a dream; which is good because 3 hours of pushing didn’t seem endless but rather timeless.
Well the marked variability apparently meant the cord was wrapped around the baby’s neck, and the long pushing time also proved the same thing. Every time I pushed it tighten the cord and the baby, which hurt her and she tried to pull back… the whole thing was concluded with a vacuum extraction, yes they used a plunger looking device with sucking to pull her out.
Urgency at that moment, when my totally awesome doctor cut the umbilical cord from around her neck and I felt pure relief and pushed her the rest of the way out.
I was totally out of it, and couldn’t respond the way I wanted, but I’m unbelievably thankful to the wonderful staff who took care of me and Stella, and to Michael for being the world greatest husband. On 12/2/10 @ 10:07 PM we were looking at our 7 pound 14 oz little girl! Welcome to the world baby girl!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Weekly Stats . . .
November 29, 2010 (daddy's birthday)
"you're a little further along" Dr. M
75% effeced
"I'm going to try to help you along" crampping pains.... owee!
We'll see.
"you're a little further along" Dr. M
75% effeced
"I'm going to try to help you along" crampping pains.... owee!
We'll see.
Monday, November 29, 2010
That Moment
I don’t want to call myself selfish, but I want to be honest on the same note. I really want that moment were I turn to Michael and say “I’m in labor” “my water just broke” “its go time”.
I want that moment between he and I and I want it so bad. We are really getting down to the wire here and I’m afraid I won’t get that moment. I’m afraid it will be more like, “I’m getting induced in the morning hope you can get off work”.
I want this little girl to do this on her own schedule, but the waiting is driving me/him/everyone crazy. I had a big rush of energy yesterday afternoon, my house is spotless. I couldn’t tell if it was something I wanted to do or needed to do, so I tried not to think about it too much. Then when we laid in bed Michael said “I really think she’s coming tonight”. It would have been wonderful to wake him up on his birthday with one of those moments, “babe I think we are going to have this baby today.” But alas we are still waiting…
I go to the doctors this evening, she mentioned she would be stripping my membrane and giving me a progestegland suppository if she saw me today, looks like she will. Hopefully the little extra medical encouragement will give us the moment we want.
Peace to my baby girl, we will meet you soon.
I want that moment between he and I and I want it so bad. We are really getting down to the wire here and I’m afraid I won’t get that moment. I’m afraid it will be more like, “I’m getting induced in the morning hope you can get off work”.
I want this little girl to do this on her own schedule, but the waiting is driving me/him/everyone crazy. I had a big rush of energy yesterday afternoon, my house is spotless. I couldn’t tell if it was something I wanted to do or needed to do, so I tried not to think about it too much. Then when we laid in bed Michael said “I really think she’s coming tonight”. It would have been wonderful to wake him up on his birthday with one of those moments, “babe I think we are going to have this baby today.” But alas we are still waiting…
I go to the doctors this evening, she mentioned she would be stripping my membrane and giving me a progestegland suppository if she saw me today, looks like she will. Hopefully the little extra medical encouragement will give us the moment we want.
Peace to my baby girl, we will meet you soon.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
For the majority of my life, at least the portions I can remember, I have always looked forward to what was coming next. I wanted to be older, I wanted to graduate, I wanted to be married; all I every wanted was the next step.
The last eight months have obviously been filled with this wanting as well. Except with this situation the next step was being a mom and meeting the amazing person Michael and I created. But today I honestly have found some sort of peace with myself. I realize that right now in this moment is where I want to be, where I need to be. Yes, I’m looking forward to the next step, don’t get me wrong. But for once I’m starting to enjoy the current moment.
I love getting to know my husband stronger through this situation. I am enjoying learning about my body and my ability to do things unexplainable. Though frustrating she’s still on the inside, I love feeling her kick and wondering what she’s thinking.
I’m starting to understand the quote “it’s why it’s called the present”. . . .

Monday, November 8, 2010
Weekly Stats...
Still 1 cm
A little more than 50% effaced
-At least I didn't go backwards!
Back to eating my pineapple!
A little more than 50% effaced
-At least I didn't go backwards!
Back to eating my pineapple!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
A La Natural
From the beginning going natural during labor has always been my priority choice. My mom and grandmother both did it without much of any complications. I told my nurse when she first asked me back in April that my choice was to go without medication. I scheduled a class with the hospital to learn about techniques, and looked into hypnobirthing and all that fun stuff. Plus, not to mention my fear of needles runs deep and the idea of one going into my spine doesn’t thrill me.
I had never really questioned myself, but rather the people’s reactions around me:
“You know it hurts, right.”
“I’m not going to lie to you; you are going to feel like you’re going to die.”
“You do realize it’s the worst pain in the world.”
Stuff will start to weigh on you for sure, and you will start to second guess yourself and your ability to do something that nature, your body, and your baby’s body had naturally intended to happen. I’m timid when asked if I want to go natural in fear of hearing people’s reactions. I have never really been one to let other people’s opinions influence me, but when you’ve never been through something your intuitions are a little skewed.
It wasn’t until this past weekend at my birthday dinner my dear husband had put together that I realized I was truly capable of this. We were all gathered around the Old Spaghetti Factory slurping noodles and strawberry lemonades and someone asked “So you going to go natural”. My response had become my defense and went something like “I would like to, but who knows”.
It had been earlier that week Michael and I had attended our natural child birth class so it was obviously fresh on his brain, but nonetheless Michael’s reaction was “No, Aubs you WILL go natural. Remember what the nurse said, if you're hesitant about it you won’t do it, and you want to do it, right?” BAM! Hit me like a tone of bricks, yes, yes I do want to do it, and yes, yes I should tell people I want to. And best part of all I apparently have the amazing support of my husband to do it!
If this is something I really want to do the first thing I have to do is say I want to do it.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Madame Zaritska Labor and Delivery Prediction
The day you deliver, outside will be cold. Your baby will arrive in the early morning. After a labor lasting approximately 8 hours, your child, a girl, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 5 pounds, 12 ounces, and will be 22 1/2 inches long. This child will have amber eyes and barely there blond hair.
- I know kind of cheesey, but thought it was cute.
- I know kind of cheesey, but thought it was cute.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Waiting Game
So we have received all we are going/needing to receive through all these amazing showers that were thrown for us the past few weeks. And my nesting has been in full swing. I have all the clothes and blankets washed, the monitor is installed, the diapers are organized by sizes, the bath tub is set up with toys and cute towels, bottles are cleaned and stored, and mommy and daddy are anxiously awaiting the arrival of their little girl.
I realize I’m only at 34 weeks, full term is 37, and the latest they’ll let me carry her is 41 weeks. So technically speaking I could have two full months left before this baby is here. I also realize the power to “will” her to come early is all in my head and there’s nothing I can do at this point except wait.
And wait we will. . . I hear the Jeopardy tune every time I think about waiting.
Thankfully the next few weeks will be full of activities: headed to Springfield to meet with good friends for our annual holiday gathering, then it’s my birthday, then the best holiday of all, Halloween.
After that I’m afraid, November may be the longest month of my life. We will just sit there anticipating the first contraction, the first run to the hospital, our first baby, the first of many things.
Until then we will just wait, do do do do, da do do do, dododododododoo, bumbum
I realize I’m only at 34 weeks, full term is 37, and the latest they’ll let me carry her is 41 weeks. So technically speaking I could have two full months left before this baby is here. I also realize the power to “will” her to come early is all in my head and there’s nothing I can do at this point except wait.
And wait we will. . . I hear the Jeopardy tune every time I think about waiting.
Thankfully the next few weeks will be full of activities: headed to Springfield to meet with good friends for our annual holiday gathering, then it’s my birthday, then the best holiday of all, Halloween.
After that I’m afraid, November may be the longest month of my life. We will just sit there anticipating the first contraction, the first run to the hospital, our first baby, the first of many things.
Until then we will just wait, do do do do, da do do do, dododododododoo, bumbum
Family of Friends
Family: it has always been a prevalent force in my life. I realized at a young age what traditions were held dear to my family, what could easily be overlooked, and what I wish we spent more time with. Growing up there were two major holidays that defined my family, Christmas and Fourth of July. With those two days of the year my maternal family would gather together, eat good food, give each other trouble, and not see each other for another 6 months. My paternal family is small, as my dad is an only child and we would see that family for holidays and birthdays on regular bases, but nothing to extravagant, nonetheless traditional.
When I got to the point in my life when family members started to pass on, leave us, or create new families of there own I reevaluated my expectations. Michael and I have always known that we want a large family; partly because we both value how valuable traditions and relationships are and the other part because we never really had a big family ourselves. So we start planning: how many kids, what kind of traditions we will instill, how important certain events will be, all of the planning can go without a hitch but if you’re trying to build something from the ground up it takes a lot of work with small foundations (little families, uninterested family members, etc.).
After the past few weekends with all the amazing friends gathering around to help celebrate the impending birth of our daughter Michael and I started to realize our foundations aren’t as small as we might think they are. At first glance one would see this baby as having a rather small extended family. But pulling back the layers and looking closer you will start to see she’s going to have numerous “aunts and uncle”. The people whom we would trust her life with honestly surpasses the number of fingers and toes I have.
We don’t have a small foundation we’re working with here, we have one of the largest, most loving, amazing situations we could possibly ask for. Our friends truly make up our family. I don’t sit there, at my showers, counting the number of family members I wish were there, I sit there counting the blessings of each of the people who are truly there for us.
When I got to the point in my life when family members started to pass on, leave us, or create new families of there own I reevaluated my expectations. Michael and I have always known that we want a large family; partly because we both value how valuable traditions and relationships are and the other part because we never really had a big family ourselves. So we start planning: how many kids, what kind of traditions we will instill, how important certain events will be, all of the planning can go without a hitch but if you’re trying to build something from the ground up it takes a lot of work with small foundations (little families, uninterested family members, etc.).
After the past few weekends with all the amazing friends gathering around to help celebrate the impending birth of our daughter Michael and I started to realize our foundations aren’t as small as we might think they are. At first glance one would see this baby as having a rather small extended family. But pulling back the layers and looking closer you will start to see she’s going to have numerous “aunts and uncle”. The people whom we would trust her life with honestly surpasses the number of fingers and toes I have.
We don’t have a small foundation we’re working with here, we have one of the largest, most loving, amazing situations we could possibly ask for. Our friends truly make up our family. I don’t sit there, at my showers, counting the number of family members I wish were there, I sit there counting the blessings of each of the people who are truly there for us.
Monday, October 4, 2010
I am blessed, there is honestly no better word in the English language to describe my current situation than, blessed!
I have a wonderful family and the start to and even more wonderful family AND my friends (who are practically my family) are just as amazing and wonderful.
Thank you to everyone who made it to Columbia for the shower this weekend. It was a blast and my hostesses sure know how to throw a party. Complete with matching cupcakes, butterfly decorations, a baby diaper wreath, yummy food, and a great time!! Thank you Martha and Emily for all you have done for me (this baby is going to have amazing aunts)!! A special shout out to Leslie for décor!
What a wonderful time, this baby girl is going to be set for life. I am amazed that so many people already care for her and love her and they haven’t even met her. Blessed, I tell you.
Not to mention when I got home Michael said he would have had more fun with me than drinking all weekend with the boys, a hint of maturity I hear?
I have a wonderful family and the start to and even more wonderful family AND my friends (who are practically my family) are just as amazing and wonderful.
Thank you to everyone who made it to Columbia for the shower this weekend. It was a blast and my hostesses sure know how to throw a party. Complete with matching cupcakes, butterfly decorations, a baby diaper wreath, yummy food, and a great time!! Thank you Martha and Emily for all you have done for me (this baby is going to have amazing aunts)!! A special shout out to Leslie for décor!
What a wonderful time, this baby girl is going to be set for life. I am amazed that so many people already care for her and love her and they haven’t even met her. Blessed, I tell you.
Not to mention when I got home Michael said he would have had more fun with me than drinking all weekend with the boys, a hint of maturity I hear?
Monday, September 27, 2010
Shower Me with Love and Friendship
So I have just finished a chronological blog about my wonderful weekend and I don’t feel like it gives the weekend the justice it deserves - I could list how wonderful it was to get a massage, and finally get a pedicure. I could talk about the horrific old time photo I was forced into and what I look like as a pregnant bar hussy, I could talk about the amazing smile capture photo function on Cassie's camera and the 400 pictures we took, but the truth of the matter is it wasn’t what I did this weekend, it’s WHO I spent the weekend with.
In college I lived two of my four years with Cassie and Jessie. I wouldn’t say it was idealistic, but I also wouldn’t say our relationship was uncommon. We got to the point where we were all at different places and just wanted to move on. The value was there, on the back burner, but I, for one didn’t take full advantage of the friendships I had created with them.
They contacted me a few months back asking if they could throw me a shower. It was a lovely thought, but a majority of my college friends live out of town and weren’t able to make it (a blessing in disguise). So we decided to cancel the shower and turn it into a girl’s weekend.
I was looking forward to the weekend for quite a while and even found myself giddy at times. I’m the type of person who is 100% content with staying in my own little house, with my husband and puppy at my side with a pizza and a Red Box. I don’t like to “get away” as much as some people do. So this was a change for my psyche when I was actually pumped to get away.
I drove down by myself early Saturday morning, and couldn’t get there fast enough--needless to say starting the trip with a Spiced Pumpkin Latte gave new meaning to the phrase “frequent urination”. . . . and the constant stopping wasn’t easing the anxiety.
The whole weekend we filled each other in on our lives; the ups and downs of starting families, the piss poor mentality of the corporate world, going back to grad school, finding our dream jobs, husbands, new real estate purchases, resentful people, savings accounts, and blessings. I won't divulge details as everyone who has girlfriends knows that rule #1, but know I learned more about myself through them this weekend then I have in a long time.
I only feel I need to talk about this weekend in this manner because I need to spread light on all the aspects of my life at this time. I’m grateful for what I have and where I am. I’m grateful I’m able to build on old relationships and appreciate where I come from so I can truly know where I am going. I thank my friends for everything they have taught me, I am thankful for everything they will teach me, but most of all I am just thankful for them!
I was showered this weekend – showered with love and friendship, and it’s these gifts that make my reality amazing!
Thank you Cassie and Jessie! Love you!
In college I lived two of my four years with Cassie and Jessie. I wouldn’t say it was idealistic, but I also wouldn’t say our relationship was uncommon. We got to the point where we were all at different places and just wanted to move on. The value was there, on the back burner, but I, for one didn’t take full advantage of the friendships I had created with them.
They contacted me a few months back asking if they could throw me a shower. It was a lovely thought, but a majority of my college friends live out of town and weren’t able to make it (a blessing in disguise). So we decided to cancel the shower and turn it into a girl’s weekend.
I was looking forward to the weekend for quite a while and even found myself giddy at times. I’m the type of person who is 100% content with staying in my own little house, with my husband and puppy at my side with a pizza and a Red Box. I don’t like to “get away” as much as some people do. So this was a change for my psyche when I was actually pumped to get away.
I drove down by myself early Saturday morning, and couldn’t get there fast enough--needless to say starting the trip with a Spiced Pumpkin Latte gave new meaning to the phrase “frequent urination”. . . . and the constant stopping wasn’t easing the anxiety.
The whole weekend we filled each other in on our lives; the ups and downs of starting families, the piss poor mentality of the corporate world, going back to grad school, finding our dream jobs, husbands, new real estate purchases, resentful people, savings accounts, and blessings. I won't divulge details as everyone who has girlfriends knows that rule #1, but know I learned more about myself through them this weekend then I have in a long time.
I only feel I need to talk about this weekend in this manner because I need to spread light on all the aspects of my life at this time. I’m grateful for what I have and where I am. I’m grateful I’m able to build on old relationships and appreciate where I come from so I can truly know where I am going. I thank my friends for everything they have taught me, I am thankful for everything they will teach me, but most of all I am just thankful for them!
I was showered this weekend – showered with love and friendship, and it’s these gifts that make my reality amazing!
Thank you Cassie and Jessie! Love you!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Is that her?!?
Well we’ve gotten to the point in this pregnancy where when she kicks she moves my entire stomach from the inside out.
The other day she was going strong and I told Michael to put his hand over my ever growing belly.
–Up to this point he feels me breathe and thinks it’s her, I have to explain “no I just took a breath”. It’s been a little discouraging that he can’t feel her, but he understands with the anterior placenta (closer to my belly button than my back) he won’t be able to feel her for a while.
So with his hand waiting ever so patiently on my belly and me still thinking I have the power to “will” her to kick, she kicked.
“Is that her?!” Michael’s eyes lit up and he smiled at me. “Did I really just feel her?”
Totally an awesome moment.
The other day she was going strong and I told Michael to put his hand over my ever growing belly.
–Up to this point he feels me breathe and thinks it’s her, I have to explain “no I just took a breath”. It’s been a little discouraging that he can’t feel her, but he understands with the anterior placenta (closer to my belly button than my back) he won’t be able to feel her for a while.
So with his hand waiting ever so patiently on my belly and me still thinking I have the power to “will” her to kick, she kicked.
“Is that her?!” Michael’s eyes lit up and he smiled at me. “Did I really just feel her?”
Totally an awesome moment.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Bulleted Update
Well it’s been more than a while; all do to good things, like starting new jobs and getting back on the success band-wagon! Just to keep it clear I figure the best way to do this is a list, bare with me…
1. I started my new job in early august and have been going nonstop. I had to keep the pregnancy on the down-low for a while, but then broke the news to my principal and the rest of the staff about two weeks into the school year, all of which are very happy for me.
2. Michael and I painted the nursery “peacock”. I was going for an enchanted forest look, all Michael saw was that his baby girls rooms was being painted blue, no need to explain he’s color blind.
3. We hung a 6 foot tree decal (thanks Papa) and butterfly decals in the room one weekend.
4. Bought a crib, yes a crib, off Craigslist. It was brand new, still in the bubble wrap; all for only $70!
5. Found a rocker glider and ottoman on Craigslist as well for $40, purchased for us by MeMaw.
6. Last purchase, again on Craigslist, a changing table/dresser for $50!
7. MeMaw (my mom) sewed together curtains, cover for said glider and ottoman, bed skirt, bed bumper, and table cloth for night stand fabric cost of $65
8. Total coast of nursery $265, including paint and decals –you can’t get a crib at Babies R Us for that cheap! Kudos to the Bildner’s and their thriftiness!!
9. Moved all the furniture into the room. Then moved the guest bed into the upstairs loft. Papa (my dad) is painting a frame for a mirror to hang over the changing table.
10. I’m a cheat and watch our registration all the time and get excited when I see something has been bought for us. I call or email Michael at work to let him know!
11. We started kick counts last week. I have to record how long it takes her to get to 10 counts. We can usually get there in 3 minutes after chocolate milk!
12. She got hiccups for the first time I could feel on Monday, loved. Still love feeling her move.
13. She’s a night owl like her daddy. Sleeps in during the morning hours and gets up about 9:00, goes crazy about 3:00 and again in the evening!
14. Giggled to myself the other day about meeting her soon, I can’t wait.
15. Started birthing classes last week. Every Tuesday for four weeks. Michael got disgusted last night with the episiotomy slides . . . um, we have a lot to work on between now and then.
16. Attempting with all my power to go natural –wish me luck!
Well that’s about three months of stuff in a nutshell!

1. I started my new job in early august and have been going nonstop. I had to keep the pregnancy on the down-low for a while, but then broke the news to my principal and the rest of the staff about two weeks into the school year, all of which are very happy for me.
2. Michael and I painted the nursery “peacock”. I was going for an enchanted forest look, all Michael saw was that his baby girls rooms was being painted blue, no need to explain he’s color blind.
3. We hung a 6 foot tree decal (thanks Papa) and butterfly decals in the room one weekend.
4. Bought a crib, yes a crib, off Craigslist. It was brand new, still in the bubble wrap; all for only $70!
5. Found a rocker glider and ottoman on Craigslist as well for $40, purchased for us by MeMaw.
6. Last purchase, again on Craigslist, a changing table/dresser for $50!
7. MeMaw (my mom) sewed together curtains, cover for said glider and ottoman, bed skirt, bed bumper, and table cloth for night stand fabric cost of $65
8. Total coast of nursery $265, including paint and decals –you can’t get a crib at Babies R Us for that cheap! Kudos to the Bildner’s and their thriftiness!!
9. Moved all the furniture into the room. Then moved the guest bed into the upstairs loft. Papa (my dad) is painting a frame for a mirror to hang over the changing table.
10. I’m a cheat and watch our registration all the time and get excited when I see something has been bought for us. I call or email Michael at work to let him know!
11. We started kick counts last week. I have to record how long it takes her to get to 10 counts. We can usually get there in 3 minutes after chocolate milk!
12. She got hiccups for the first time I could feel on Monday, loved. Still love feeling her move.
13. She’s a night owl like her daddy. Sleeps in during the morning hours and gets up about 9:00, goes crazy about 3:00 and again in the evening!
14. Giggled to myself the other day about meeting her soon, I can’t wait.
15. Started birthing classes last week. Every Tuesday for four weeks. Michael got disgusted last night with the episiotomy slides . . . um, we have a lot to work on between now and then.
16. Attempting with all my power to go natural –wish me luck!
Well that’s about three months of stuff in a nutshell!

Saturday, August 21, 2010
Best Advice
I understand I am just half way through this processes, and I also understand the “hard part” is something I still have no concept of, but I want to share with you the best advice I have received up to this point. This way the future mothers out there will know it ahead of time and I will get the pleasure of passing it along to you.
Maternity Clothes! Early and Often!
Yes it may seem simple, mundane, obvious, and not so “best advice” material as you might have thought, but trust me.
My first run in with maternity clothes and their awesomeness: My girl-friend, Martha, got pregnant a few years ago and told me how wonderful maternity pants were. “Elastic waist on cute jeans,” I remember her saying “why don’t they do this with regular clothes!?” Seems like a good enough reason to me!
Second run in: My neighbor just had a baby in June, and told me “as soon as your regular clothes don’t fit, buy yourself maternity clothes.” She told me not to mess with the uncomfortable bella band. Her reasoning: This is the one time in your life when you are experiencing something ultimately feminine. You want to be cute, comfortable, and glowing. If you’re walking around in sweats the whole time you’re not going to be cute or particularly glowing. If you’re comfortable you’re not happy! Maternity clothes also grow with you. You can buy them early and use them through out the whole pregnancy. They are also more affordable then you might think!!
Don't wait, don't think you're buying them too early, don't worry about what other people think or suggest, do it for you and your comfort!
So there you have it, the best advice I can give you as a potential pregnant, glowing, strong, confident women. Maternity Clothes early and often!
Maternity Clothes! Early and Often!
Yes it may seem simple, mundane, obvious, and not so “best advice” material as you might have thought, but trust me.
My first run in with maternity clothes and their awesomeness: My girl-friend, Martha, got pregnant a few years ago and told me how wonderful maternity pants were. “Elastic waist on cute jeans,” I remember her saying “why don’t they do this with regular clothes!?” Seems like a good enough reason to me!
Second run in: My neighbor just had a baby in June, and told me “as soon as your regular clothes don’t fit, buy yourself maternity clothes.” She told me not to mess with the uncomfortable bella band. Her reasoning: This is the one time in your life when you are experiencing something ultimately feminine. You want to be cute, comfortable, and glowing. If you’re walking around in sweats the whole time you’re not going to be cute or particularly glowing. If you’re comfortable you’re not happy! Maternity clothes also grow with you. You can buy them early and use them through out the whole pregnancy. They are also more affordable then you might think!!
Don't wait, don't think you're buying them too early, don't worry about what other people think or suggest, do it for you and your comfort!
So there you have it, the best advice I can give you as a potential pregnant, glowing, strong, confident women. Maternity Clothes early and often!
Friday, July 30, 2010
CP Cyst - Nada!
Yesterday we had our US to check up on everything especially the CP Cyst. Basically in healthy babies these tend to go away on their own and that's exactly what this one did. They didn't see any remaining cyst and she's as healthy as a whistle.
Also the other 10% was confirmed and they are still calling her a girl!
She measured 22wks 1dy, as of yesterday my calculations were 22wks 0dy. She was 50.2% in weight, growth and height.
Basically she's perfect and probably the most beautiful being on the planet at the moment!

Worlds most beautiful profile and little hands

Little feet and legs crossed, always a lady
Monday, July 26, 2010
So Michael and I have entered the big debate on whether or not to tell people the name we have picked out. There are several viable reasons to do so and not to do so, but how to decide which has more umph?
Our reasoning’s are just, though they may seem materialistic or self absorbed.
1. Con-We have already had someone bad-mouth or potential boy name (before we knew) leading to the main reason behind Michael not wanting to tell anyone.
2. Con-It’s something special that we still share between the two of us (though we have told a few close friends and my mom--so . . .)
3. Con-Are we sure this is the name we are going to actually name her when she’s born. We had friends saying they were going to name their baby one name all through the pregnancy and when the baby was born it was not named that. (no skin off my back, but just another note to consider)
4. Con-Michael doesn’t want to tell anyone, but I am OK with it. I don’t want to make him to do something he doesn’t want to do.
5. Pro-It’s the most beautiful name in the world to us at this moment, why wouldn’t we share it?
6. Pro-At this point if someone told me they went to school with a bully/slut/pig/etc. named _______ and they hated the name I wouldn’t care.
7. Pro-We have several friends that are pregnant right now, some already have a name and others don’t know what they’re having. What if they pick the same name as us and we haven’t “claimed” it?
8. Pro-If the name accidentally slips it won’t be a big deal if everyone already knows.
So what to do? I guess that’s something Michael and I need to sit down and figure out.
Our reasoning’s are just, though they may seem materialistic or self absorbed.
1. Con-We have already had someone bad-mouth or potential boy name (before we knew) leading to the main reason behind Michael not wanting to tell anyone.
2. Con-It’s something special that we still share between the two of us (though we have told a few close friends and my mom--so . . .)
3. Con-Are we sure this is the name we are going to actually name her when she’s born. We had friends saying they were going to name their baby one name all through the pregnancy and when the baby was born it was not named that. (no skin off my back, but just another note to consider)
4. Con-Michael doesn’t want to tell anyone, but I am OK with it. I don’t want to make him to do something he doesn’t want to do.
5. Pro-It’s the most beautiful name in the world to us at this moment, why wouldn’t we share it?
6. Pro-At this point if someone told me they went to school with a bully/slut/pig/etc. named _______ and they hated the name I wouldn’t care.
7. Pro-We have several friends that are pregnant right now, some already have a name and others don’t know what they’re having. What if they pick the same name as us and we haven’t “claimed” it?
8. Pro-If the name accidentally slips it won’t be a big deal if everyone already knows.
So what to do? I guess that’s something Michael and I need to sit down and figure out.
You don’t know true fear until you’re a parent.
I had mentioned in an earlier entry that the baby has a Choroid Plexus Cyst (CPC) and that we were going back to get things checked out. I thought now that I’m 100% more relaxed and educated about the situation I would comment on it and let everyone know what is going on.
When Michael and I had our 19 week Ultra Sound (US) the tech just merely suggested to us that they will order another US because she wasn’t able to get a good read of the baby’s brain and this is something they like to have.
So the following Thursday I went in for a normal doctor’s appointment and thankfully I took my mom. The doctor checked the growth of my uterus, my weight, blood pressure, and the heart beat. Everything seemed fine and she asked me about the US. I told her it was fun to see the baby and that it was a girl.
My doctor was looking down at the papers and said “everything looks fine except” . . . . my heart sank, my emotions hit the floor and I couldn’t focus on much. I looked at her and was ready for her to finish. She explained to me that they saw a CPC, which is a cyst on the glad that makes spinal cord fluid in the US and that is why they were issuing another US. She told me the CPC has a slight association to chromosomal disorders like Downs and Trisomy 18. “But everything else looks just fine, Aubrey” I remember the doctor saying. She also told me she hadn’t personally seen the CPC have a negative outcome for any of the babies she’d delivered.
When we were checking out, the doctor told the receptionist to schedule a Level II US and that date was set for July 29. She also told me I should have blood work done. My mom met and old friend on the way out and it helped to clear my head a bit. When we stepped onto the elevator my mom said “you handled that a lot better that I thought you would have” I lost it. Cried the whole way down and out of the building and my mom had to drive me home.
The thoughts I was feeling were all conflicting and confused, I was mad at myself, concerned, scared, tired, worried. Things you can’t even imagine. And I realized at that point I had never really known true fear in my life. I hadn’t even held her in my arms and I felt for her.
The blood work, I had the following day and had to wait three days, but it came back fine. The US we are having this Thursday is to double check things. And like I said I feel better about it 100% better in fact. Though, I am still saying little prayers that she will be fine. I have faith in God and really at this point that’s all I can have. I will update everyone on Thursday – seems to be the day associated with this pregnancy far more than an email update. I wouldn’t be surprise if she comes on a Thursday (say Thanksgiving) :-)
When Michael and I had our 19 week Ultra Sound (US) the tech just merely suggested to us that they will order another US because she wasn’t able to get a good read of the baby’s brain and this is something they like to have.
So the following Thursday I went in for a normal doctor’s appointment and thankfully I took my mom. The doctor checked the growth of my uterus, my weight, blood pressure, and the heart beat. Everything seemed fine and she asked me about the US. I told her it was fun to see the baby and that it was a girl.
My doctor was looking down at the papers and said “everything looks fine except” . . . . my heart sank, my emotions hit the floor and I couldn’t focus on much. I looked at her and was ready for her to finish. She explained to me that they saw a CPC, which is a cyst on the glad that makes spinal cord fluid in the US and that is why they were issuing another US. She told me the CPC has a slight association to chromosomal disorders like Downs and Trisomy 18. “But everything else looks just fine, Aubrey” I remember the doctor saying. She also told me she hadn’t personally seen the CPC have a negative outcome for any of the babies she’d delivered.
When we were checking out, the doctor told the receptionist to schedule a Level II US and that date was set for July 29. She also told me I should have blood work done. My mom met and old friend on the way out and it helped to clear my head a bit. When we stepped onto the elevator my mom said “you handled that a lot better that I thought you would have” I lost it. Cried the whole way down and out of the building and my mom had to drive me home.
The thoughts I was feeling were all conflicting and confused, I was mad at myself, concerned, scared, tired, worried. Things you can’t even imagine. And I realized at that point I had never really known true fear in my life. I hadn’t even held her in my arms and I felt for her.
The blood work, I had the following day and had to wait three days, but it came back fine. The US we are having this Thursday is to double check things. And like I said I feel better about it 100% better in fact. Though, I am still saying little prayers that she will be fine. I have faith in God and really at this point that’s all I can have. I will update everyone on Thursday – seems to be the day associated with this pregnancy far more than an email update. I wouldn’t be surprise if she comes on a Thursday (say Thanksgiving) :-)
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
"Has it been easy?"
Well I have never really thought about my stats regarding my pregnancy until someone asked me the other day “have you had an easy pregnancy?” After really thinking about it I had concluded that I have not had an exactly "easy time" with this; nonetheless, I would do it again in a heart beat.
What makes this “not easy”:
1. I have had morning sickness since week six and I’m slowing venturing into my 21 week and still have it.
2. I had minor spotting week four and had to be put on progesterone supplements and go in for a pelvic.
3. Bad cramping in my abdomen at 15 weeks and went to the ER, it was just round ligament pains.
4. Road Trip to South Carolina – kicked me in the butt, swollen ankles and feet, constant vomiting, and headaches.
5. Migraine, can’t take anything strong enough for them while pregnant.
6. Choroid Plexus Cyst was found on one of the ultrasounds and had to do extra blood work and another ultrasound to test for chromosomal disorders.
a. I haven’t blogged about the CPC, because it was scary stuff and to put myself though that was though enough, and to blog about it would have been harder. I did get my blood results back and all is fine. We are scheduled for the Level II ultrasound next Thursday, July 29. But I’m thinking all will be okay.
All in all I think we are doing rather well considering. I’m not complaining by any means it just got me thinking when I was asked that, as I haven’t really had to put together the components of the equation before.
Last night was my first night I felt really uncomfortable lying on by belly. I could feel the hardening of my belly and I don’t think the baby appreciated it much, as she seemed to move around a lot more.
My favorite time of day is just after dinner when we sit down and watch TV. I can for sure feel her move then and I’m finding I look forward to that moment of the day more than any.
Over all life is still swell! God bless the pregnant ladies.
What makes this “not easy”:
1. I have had morning sickness since week six and I’m slowing venturing into my 21 week and still have it.
2. I had minor spotting week four and had to be put on progesterone supplements and go in for a pelvic.
3. Bad cramping in my abdomen at 15 weeks and went to the ER, it was just round ligament pains.
4. Road Trip to South Carolina – kicked me in the butt, swollen ankles and feet, constant vomiting, and headaches.
5. Migraine, can’t take anything strong enough for them while pregnant.
6. Choroid Plexus Cyst was found on one of the ultrasounds and had to do extra blood work and another ultrasound to test for chromosomal disorders.
a. I haven’t blogged about the CPC, because it was scary stuff and to put myself though that was though enough, and to blog about it would have been harder. I did get my blood results back and all is fine. We are scheduled for the Level II ultrasound next Thursday, July 29. But I’m thinking all will be okay.
All in all I think we are doing rather well considering. I’m not complaining by any means it just got me thinking when I was asked that, as I haven’t really had to put together the components of the equation before.
Last night was my first night I felt really uncomfortable lying on by belly. I could feel the hardening of my belly and I don’t think the baby appreciated it much, as she seemed to move around a lot more.
My favorite time of day is just after dinner when we sit down and watch TV. I can for sure feel her move then and I’m finding I look forward to that moment of the day more than any.
Over all life is still swell! God bless the pregnant ladies.
Morning Sickness,
Second Trimester
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
I'm in Love
Not much to say right now except for the fact that I'm in love... I can feel her a lot more often and my life is really starting to be all about her.
I see rainbows - literaly - everywhere and I just know it's my baby girl telling me she's doing just fine.
I see rainbows - literaly - everywhere and I just know it's my baby girl telling me she's doing just fine.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Motherly Instincts – Mommy 0 - Baby .9
Well yesterday was the big day. My mom came into town and to kill time before the 2:45 deadline, we let Michael take us to lunch at Breskeez to watch the Dutch beat Uruguay in the semi finals of the FIFA World Cup. We were only about 10 minutes from the ultrasound place so about 2:30 headed that way. After extensive paper work and the Tyra show we were called back.
The tech was very accommodating to Michael, my mom, and me and we got started with warm goo squirted all over my belly. We saw the obvious outline of the body and the bones, like the ribs, spinal cord and all were very obvious and this made me happy to see. The heart was also obviously beating and again very happy.
The baby was lying side to side with its back against mine, but facing us, in a way. So the tech wasn’t able to get a good picture of either end, the babies rump and the brain. After much coercing the baby still didn’t move and every time the tech tried to see the little privates, the baby would cross their legs, and one time the cord was even in the way. But after much ado, the tech announces “I’m about 90% sure it’s a girl”. Well there went my first test at motherly instincts! But we're happy nonetheless!
My lesson – don’t tell people what you might think it is, because if/when you end up being wrong they replay “I told you so” like they had better comprehension as to what was going on in my uterus then I did!
My thinking – well yes I’m going to defend myself! Michael wanted a girl from day one, I didn’t want to disappoint daddy, so I talked myself (and Michael) into it possibly being a boy so there was no disappointment.
Granted there was NO disappointment what-so-ever! I’m more please all her vitals are working fine than the fact my instincts were a little off. We will have to go back in three or so weeks so they’re able to get a better picture of the brain and can confirm the other 10% for us!

Like I said, she wasn't the most cooperative, but apparently this is her little
girliness. :-)
The tech was very accommodating to Michael, my mom, and me and we got started with warm goo squirted all over my belly. We saw the obvious outline of the body and the bones, like the ribs, spinal cord and all were very obvious and this made me happy to see. The heart was also obviously beating and again very happy.
The baby was lying side to side with its back against mine, but facing us, in a way. So the tech wasn’t able to get a good picture of either end, the babies rump and the brain. After much coercing the baby still didn’t move and every time the tech tried to see the little privates, the baby would cross their legs, and one time the cord was even in the way. But after much ado, the tech announces “I’m about 90% sure it’s a girl”. Well there went my first test at motherly instincts! But we're happy nonetheless!
My lesson – don’t tell people what you might think it is, because if/when you end up being wrong they replay “I told you so” like they had better comprehension as to what was going on in my uterus then I did!
My thinking – well yes I’m going to defend myself! Michael wanted a girl from day one, I didn’t want to disappoint daddy, so I talked myself (and Michael) into it possibly being a boy so there was no disappointment.
Granted there was NO disappointment what-so-ever! I’m more please all her vitals are working fine than the fact my instincts were a little off. We will have to go back in three or so weeks so they’re able to get a better picture of the brain and can confirm the other 10% for us!
Life is grande!

Like I said, she wasn't the most cooperative, but apparently this is her little
girliness. :-)
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Well guess who’s got an appetite, yup me, and is it bigger than ever.
It was about Wednesday this week and I woke up without any nausea or vomiting and went straight for the Crispix; I haven’t been able to feel full since.
It’s a weird feeling, wanting to eat, as it’s been almost 12 week since I’ve actually felt like even looking at food. I’m extra leery about packing on the preggo pounds now (as I finish my bag of chocolate dipped almonds). I have surprisingly lost 14 pounds over the last 12 weeks in the process of basically not eating (or vomiting what I do eat up), and I have gained two of those back since yesterday. I find I’m hungry every two hours. I ate at 5:00am, 7:00am, 9:30am, noon, 4:00, and I’m already looking forward to my stir-fry dinner. I’m going to have to focus on fruits and veggies and not much else. I’ll be okay if I gain the 14lbs back, but I’m in no hurry for anymore – fluffy women don’t need much more.
It’s good to enjoy food again, though; however I still seem to feel waves of nausea at strange but reasonable things, like the sauerkraut at the hot dog stand, or the urine in boy’s bathroom at school . . .
Cooking was my ultimate hobby before I got pregnant and with the great schedule I’m going to get with the new position and my new found love of food again, and not to mention us being able to afford cable now, Giada*, Ina*, and I will be cooking up a storm.
Thursday update – my uterus is the size of a small melon the baby is comparable to a sweet potato. Also beginning to wonder if I really felt it move that first time, as I haven’t felt anything since and I am very anxious to. The little guy/gal can hear things now and publications encourage Michael and me to talk to it . . . honestly, not quite feeling like doing that at the moment (I hope that’s normal).
*FoodNet Work program hostesses
It was about Wednesday this week and I woke up without any nausea or vomiting and went straight for the Crispix; I haven’t been able to feel full since.
It’s a weird feeling, wanting to eat, as it’s been almost 12 week since I’ve actually felt like even looking at food. I’m extra leery about packing on the preggo pounds now (as I finish my bag of chocolate dipped almonds). I have surprisingly lost 14 pounds over the last 12 weeks in the process of basically not eating (or vomiting what I do eat up), and I have gained two of those back since yesterday. I find I’m hungry every two hours. I ate at 5:00am, 7:00am, 9:30am, noon, 4:00, and I’m already looking forward to my stir-fry dinner. I’m going to have to focus on fruits and veggies and not much else. I’ll be okay if I gain the 14lbs back, but I’m in no hurry for anymore – fluffy women don’t need much more.
It’s good to enjoy food again, though; however I still seem to feel waves of nausea at strange but reasonable things, like the sauerkraut at the hot dog stand, or the urine in boy’s bathroom at school . . .
Cooking was my ultimate hobby before I got pregnant and with the great schedule I’m going to get with the new position and my new found love of food again, and not to mention us being able to afford cable now, Giada*, Ina*, and I will be cooking up a storm.
Thursday update – my uterus is the size of a small melon the baby is comparable to a sweet potato. Also beginning to wonder if I really felt it move that first time, as I haven’t felt anything since and I am very anxious to. The little guy/gal can hear things now and publications encourage Michael and me to talk to it . . . honestly, not quite feeling like doing that at the moment (I hope that’s normal).
*FoodNet Work program hostesses
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Vera Bradley
Call my snotty, snooty, stuck up, materialistic, expecting too much, a proud momma, or whatever they call novice pregnant women when they want/expect something that really won’t end up the way we think it will.
To be honest my obsession all started long before I got pregnant. I remember having a conversation with an old preggers friend about trying out different diaper bags and what would be the best for her. At this time I didn’t realize this was such an important part of all of this, but I soon saw otherwise. A few days later I was in the cute little shops in old town and came across a shop that had the Vera Bradley bags.
Now I’ve always favored Vera, but never had a good excuse to buy one. If you aren’t familiar with Vera Bradley it’s a designer handbag line that is lovely! It's a bright, paisley, flowery print with quilted stitching. They are basically a piece of art your wear on your shoulder! Lovely!

To be honest my obsession all started long before I got pregnant. I remember having a conversation with an old preggers friend about trying out different diaper bags and what would be the best for her. At this time I didn’t realize this was such an important part of all of this, but I soon saw otherwise. A few days later I was in the cute little shops in old town and came across a shop that had the Vera Bradley bags.
Now I’ve always favored Vera, but never had a good excuse to buy one. If you aren’t familiar with Vera Bradley it’s a designer handbag line that is lovely! It's a bright, paisley, flowery print with quilted stitching. They are basically a piece of art your wear on your shoulder! Lovely!
Well low and behold they have Vera diaper bags – I now understand the importance of such a wounderful piece of maternal hardware. It has a vinyl insert to change the baby on and accredits itself with having 11 pockets – I am in love. I told myself, “When I have a baby this is the diaper bag I’m getting” disregarding the $97 price tag.
So this is it, the diaper bag of my dreams -- Vera Bradley Baby Bag in Blue Rhapsody… Is it too much? Probably?! Do I deserve it? . . . Yes . . . I think I do!

Sunday, June 20, 2010
A Trip to the ER
So like I said before I am trying to not be the typical first pregnancy lady with a million questions and another million reasons to go running off to the hospital every five minutes... Well that didn't last long.
First, in my defense I thought it was appendicitis... didn't even really consider it being something with the baby.
The Saturday night before Michael and I left on vacation, a 15 hour car ride to South Carolina, we did the packing and some major house cleaning as I like to return to a clean house. About 7:30PM I started to get a very sharp pain right behind my belly button. About 9:30PM it was still there.
The thoughts racing through my head were as followed: I need to get this looked at before the long car ride. I don't want to be in South Carolina and have to visit the hospital. I need to talk to a professional. Is it just gas? Should I be worried. Why is it still hurting?
So I called the doctor hot-line and never got an answer back... "Mikey I think I need to go to the ER"
So after blood work, an IV of saline, a mortifying pelvic exam, and an ultrasound they sent me home with round ligament pain. Worthless two hours and I felt so ridiculous! Everyone was reassuring me that it was better to be safe than sorry. . . I guess I'm ultimately glad it wasn't anything too major.
Due to the lack of sleep the night prior to leaving, the 15 hour car ride resulted in a huge migraine, three vomit pit stops, a full up-chuck cup, and two really swollen feet.
First, in my defense I thought it was appendicitis... didn't even really consider it being something with the baby.
The Saturday night before Michael and I left on vacation, a 15 hour car ride to South Carolina, we did the packing and some major house cleaning as I like to return to a clean house. About 7:30PM I started to get a very sharp pain right behind my belly button. About 9:30PM it was still there.
The thoughts racing through my head were as followed: I need to get this looked at before the long car ride. I don't want to be in South Carolina and have to visit the hospital. I need to talk to a professional. Is it just gas? Should I be worried. Why is it still hurting?
So I called the doctor hot-line and never got an answer back... "Mikey I think I need to go to the ER"
So after blood work, an IV of saline, a mortifying pelvic exam, and an ultrasound they sent me home with round ligament pain. Worthless two hours and I felt so ridiculous! Everyone was reassuring me that it was better to be safe than sorry. . . I guess I'm ultimately glad it wasn't anything too major.
Due to the lack of sleep the night prior to leaving, the 15 hour car ride resulted in a huge migraine, three vomit pit stops, a full up-chuck cup, and two really swollen feet.
New Beginnings
Well it's been quite some time since I have posted anything and with good reason, I have been the busiest person on the planet!! But I wanted to update everyone on where we were with the baby growth, our lives, reasons I haven't blogged, and reasons I should have.
1. Limbo - I started to fall into a state of limbo about two/three weeks ago. The newness of the pregnancy had worn off, the morning sickness was still there, I hadn't felt the little guy/gal kick, and we didn't know what it was (boy/girl). Well we still don't know what it is, but other events have helped me move out of my limbo state, but that's an honest reason why I lost touch with the blog and wanted to share it.
2. New Job - About three weeks ago I started to gather leads on an amazing job offer in the school district I did my student teaching in. Needless to say I have focused almost all of my energy in that direction. Well after much hard work . . . I GOT THE JOB. Teaching art, digital photography, and yearbook. About five minutes from my house -- Michael and I couldn't be happier.
3. Quickening - This is the technical term for feeling the first movements of the baby and I HAVE. This will definitely pull you out of the limbo state, realizing it's real! Michael and I were at a concert a week and half ago and we got there rather early to get good seats. While we were sitting there waiting I felt a little tickle in my lower left side. It wasn't gas, for sure, so the only other thing it could be is the baby. I've felt it move since, maybe three times. So amazing, waiting for it to do it again.
4. Vacation - Michael and I literally just got back from an amazing vacation we took with some high school friends of his. We rented a house out for a whole week and did nothing except lay on the beach. This was a great bonding time for Michael, baby, and me.
5. Maternity Clothes - While on our lovely vacation I began to realize I could no longer wear my regular pants, and the tightness of the bella bands cause me to have really bad morning sickness. Thank goodness for Outlet Malls in the South! I hit up Motherhood Maternity and scored myself some great maternity Bermuda-style shorts in three different colors, hoping those will get me through the summer. I feel so much better in them!
6. The Big One - Our big ultrasound visit has been scheduled! July 6th! We are so excited!
7. Belly Picture - Though fluffier than the normal sized woman I felt it was legit to post a belly picture as I'm now too big for my pants.
1. Limbo - I started to fall into a state of limbo about two/three weeks ago. The newness of the pregnancy had worn off, the morning sickness was still there, I hadn't felt the little guy/gal kick, and we didn't know what it was (boy/girl). Well we still don't know what it is, but other events have helped me move out of my limbo state, but that's an honest reason why I lost touch with the blog and wanted to share it.
2. New Job - About three weeks ago I started to gather leads on an amazing job offer in the school district I did my student teaching in. Needless to say I have focused almost all of my energy in that direction. Well after much hard work . . . I GOT THE JOB. Teaching art, digital photography, and yearbook. About five minutes from my house -- Michael and I couldn't be happier.
3. Quickening - This is the technical term for feeling the first movements of the baby and I HAVE. This will definitely pull you out of the limbo state, realizing it's real! Michael and I were at a concert a week and half ago and we got there rather early to get good seats. While we were sitting there waiting I felt a little tickle in my lower left side. It wasn't gas, for sure, so the only other thing it could be is the baby. I've felt it move since, maybe three times. So amazing, waiting for it to do it again.
4. Vacation - Michael and I literally just got back from an amazing vacation we took with some high school friends of his. We rented a house out for a whole week and did nothing except lay on the beach. This was a great bonding time for Michael, baby, and me.
5. Maternity Clothes - While on our lovely vacation I began to realize I could no longer wear my regular pants, and the tightness of the bella bands cause me to have really bad morning sickness. Thank goodness for Outlet Malls in the South! I hit up Motherhood Maternity and scored myself some great maternity Bermuda-style shorts in three different colors, hoping those will get me through the summer. I feel so much better in them!
6. The Big One - Our big ultrasound visit has been scheduled! July 6th! We are so excited!
7. Belly Picture - Though fluffier than the normal sized woman I felt it was legit to post a belly picture as I'm now too big for my pants.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
It’s obvious that naming a human being would be a daunting task. But for Michael and me the name we chose for our girl choice was like second nature. No I’m not going to divulge many details, but Michael said “what about . . .” and I said “yea I really like that”. End of story, has been our choice every since.
Oh, but to name a little boy.
I don’t have much experience in this pregnancy thing, but I would like to think I have some sort of human instinct and I feel it’s a boy. I don’t know why, I don’t have any proof, but I feel BOY when I think about my baby growing in my belly (as Mikey refers to it). I won’t mind if come July, I realize I’m wrong, either gender will be just fine, it will be more of a hit on my pride instincts than anything else.
But what to name it if I’m right?
Oh, but to name a little boy.
I don’t have much experience in this pregnancy thing, but I would like to think I have some sort of human instinct and I feel it’s a boy. I don’t know why, I don’t have any proof, but I feel BOY when I think about my baby growing in my belly (as Mikey refers to it). I won’t mind if come July, I realize I’m wrong, either gender will be just fine, it will be more of a hit on my pride instincts than anything else.
But what to name it if I’m right?
Thursday, May 27, 2010
I got crafty/techy and posted the tickers are the top of the blog page; I think they are fun and I hope you all enjoy them.
Long week, but it is finally Thursday and I get my fun updates. The one website talks about how the baby now has fingerprints and its head isn’t as huge in comparison to its body as its body starts to grow. He/she is also able to hear and react to sound and encourages me and baby-daddy to talk to it. He/she has also started to develop vocal cords and can respond in such a way to noises. He/she is the size of a peach or a large shrimp – they don’t seem comparable in my book, but whatever works.

Also the vomiting is starting to teeter off, and I’m sure you are all sick of hearing about it as I’m sick of writing about it. I still do so every morning, but I’m better immediately afterwards, where it use to last all day. I did get pain killers for my headaches and haven’t needed to take them, but am glad I have them just in case.
Supposedly this thirteenth week is the actual last week of the first trimester, so after this week I will be in the relatively blissful state of my pregnancy. Here’s hopin’!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Bella Band
Well I thought I would post something about the Bella Band for those of you who don't know exactly what it is and for those of you who might be able to provide me with advice -- my trials and tribulations...
The Bella Band is basically a big cylindrical piece of fabric that goes from right below your breast to just below your butt, if you want it to. You can scrunch it up if you don't need it to go that far. You can get different colors and patterns and wear it below your shirts for a layer affect too. The gist is you're able to wear your normal pants, leave them unbuttoned or unzipped, and put the Bella Band over your pants/under your shirt to keep your pants up. *this is not my belly*

I ordered two from one in black and one in white. It cost me about $30 for both and I thought it was a valuable investment. I started sporting them this week because when I zip up my pants the tightness in my belly causes me to vomit and I'm trying to avoid that. Yesterday was my second day wearing the white one and I think it was a little stretched out, I also think it's a looser fit then the black one.
Today I've got the black one on, tighter pants, and a longer shirt -- all which seem to be a good combination for successful use of the Bella Band. My body is interesting proportions with a long torso and a high waist, so things are always somewhat challenging to fit on me. The point for now is to "look as normal as possible" so nobody at work catches on for a few more weeks.
I broke down and ordered some maternity shirts on I did have a 15% off coupon so it was justified. They are longer than normal shirts and I have a feeling my long torso and I will really like the fit.
The Bella Band is basically a big cylindrical piece of fabric that goes from right below your breast to just below your butt, if you want it to. You can scrunch it up if you don't need it to go that far. You can get different colors and patterns and wear it below your shirts for a layer affect too. The gist is you're able to wear your normal pants, leave them unbuttoned or unzipped, and put the Bella Band over your pants/under your shirt to keep your pants up. *this is not my belly*

I ordered two from one in black and one in white. It cost me about $30 for both and I thought it was a valuable investment. I started sporting them this week because when I zip up my pants the tightness in my belly causes me to vomit and I'm trying to avoid that. Yesterday was my second day wearing the white one and I think it was a little stretched out, I also think it's a looser fit then the black one.
Today I've got the black one on, tighter pants, and a longer shirt -- all which seem to be a good combination for successful use of the Bella Band. My body is interesting proportions with a long torso and a high waist, so things are always somewhat challenging to fit on me. The point for now is to "look as normal as possible" so nobody at work catches on for a few more weeks.
I broke down and ordered some maternity shirts on I did have a 15% off coupon so it was justified. They are longer than normal shirts and I have a feeling my long torso and I will really like the fit.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Changes... Second Trimester Begins
I can’t explain all the things that are changing with my body, but there are for sure changes going on! I am tired more often and sleep hard. I pee a lot more and that has actually started to ease up a bit which means my uterus is starting to move up and out of my pelvic and not resting on my bladder anymore. My hip joints are starting to ache like crazy and I'm missing my Advil for sure! I am still queasy and don’t feel like eating much and I still get sick in the mornings--those two things are not fun at all. I’m giving it another week and then might need to get meds.
Though I have lost 8.5lbs my pants are starting to feel really uncomfortable. I am sporting the Bella Band today and don’t know if I’m too fond of it. I feel like my pants are too loose now. But, I’m not going to spend the money yet on maternity pants, as I feel I’m going to need them more in the future, and I’m not about to buy a size bigger in regular pants so I feel better, the Bella Band will have to work for now. I guess I need to buy longer shirts.
I’ve been getting headaches more these past week, as I use to get them prior to the pregnancy – and didn’t get them much in the first trimester, but I think I am at the point were I’m going to call my doctor and see what else I can take besides Tylenol, its not cutting it! I’m really trying not to be one of those typical novice pregnant women asking questions every five minutes, but I’m going to have to break down if it involves my wellbeing.
I don’t think I’m showing per say, do to the fact I had my fair share of midsection fluff prior to this, but I’m to the point were I can no longer suck the fluff in… kind of fun, will take a belly pic and post soon!
Nothing too exciting, but there were somethings I wanted to share… Also I wanted to let those of you who are reading my blog know that I’m not going to be posting anything on Facebook until my school year is over, which will be June 4th. For reasons that are silly, but still personal enough to think this way. So we won’t be going "Facebook Official" until then.
Side notes: I’m currently in love with the Coke I am drinking. I have been really good through the first trimester and I was feeling beat today, so I grabbed myself a Coke and I love it. Promise not to do this too often. AND Explorer payments are going to be even less than we thought! Wonderful news.
Though I have lost 8.5lbs my pants are starting to feel really uncomfortable. I am sporting the Bella Band today and don’t know if I’m too fond of it. I feel like my pants are too loose now. But, I’m not going to spend the money yet on maternity pants, as I feel I’m going to need them more in the future, and I’m not about to buy a size bigger in regular pants so I feel better, the Bella Band will have to work for now. I guess I need to buy longer shirts.
I’ve been getting headaches more these past week, as I use to get them prior to the pregnancy – and didn’t get them much in the first trimester, but I think I am at the point were I’m going to call my doctor and see what else I can take besides Tylenol, its not cutting it! I’m really trying not to be one of those typical novice pregnant women asking questions every five minutes, but I’m going to have to break down if it involves my wellbeing.
I don’t think I’m showing per say, do to the fact I had my fair share of midsection fluff prior to this, but I’m to the point were I can no longer suck the fluff in… kind of fun, will take a belly pic and post soon!
Nothing too exciting, but there were somethings I wanted to share… Also I wanted to let those of you who are reading my blog know that I’m not going to be posting anything on Facebook until my school year is over, which will be June 4th. For reasons that are silly, but still personal enough to think this way. So we won’t be going "Facebook Official" until then.
Side notes: I’m currently in love with the Coke I am drinking. I have been really good through the first trimester and I was feeling beat today, so I grabbed myself a Coke and I love it. Promise not to do this too often. AND Explorer payments are going to be even less than we thought! Wonderful news.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Thursday and a Dr Visit!
So today was a double good Thursday! I got my email updates which the big thing this week is reflexes and the little person is about the size of a plum, 2 inches long head to rump.
But the best part of today was my doctor’s visit. I have been trying to get in and see my doctor since last Tuesday for my first official appointment. There have been numerous babies born and that has kept me from getting in to see her. I wasn’t complaining, I would want her there for my birth. So luckily I had taken today and tomorrow off and they were able to get me in.
I did as a good patient should and drank a glass of water on the way there so my bladder would be full for my urine sample. I checked in, peed in the cup, and found a good People magazine to read. When Nurse Dawn called for me we did my blood pressure, a solid 128/80 and my weight (I’ve managed to lose 8.5lbs) I explained I wasn't keeping much down.
A little more waiting and then the doctor came in. She asked how I was and told me I no longer needed to take the progesterone, which might help with the nausea, and if I don’t have any luck in the next week to call and she will give me medication for that (this week has been a rough week with the vomiting).
Then came the fun stuff, the Doppler. I lowered my draws and she slathered my belly up and started searching for that little guy/gal. She didn’t find anything off the bat and told me that was normal this early in the game. She could hear movement and a slight heartbeat but wanted to double check me on the ultrasound! Oh excitement, I hadn’t been expecting to see it again so soon!
So into the US room with more goo on my belly and a big computer screen staring me in the face. Again had to do a little searching, I have a tilted uterus…. And pop there he/she was again, and this time it totally looked like a human. He/she was still sitting rather low in my pelvis which is why it was hard to find the heartbeat. The best part was every time the doctor would find him/her it would jump, literally! We were laughing so hard, I had to turn my head so I wouldn’t laugh so she could get a good reading.
A great end to a tough week!

The scan doesn’t look like much, but the baby's little head is bottom mid-right and it's belly is just to the left of that, there is a small arm/hand just above the belly.
But the best part of today was my doctor’s visit. I have been trying to get in and see my doctor since last Tuesday for my first official appointment. There have been numerous babies born and that has kept me from getting in to see her. I wasn’t complaining, I would want her there for my birth. So luckily I had taken today and tomorrow off and they were able to get me in.
I did as a good patient should and drank a glass of water on the way there so my bladder would be full for my urine sample. I checked in, peed in the cup, and found a good People magazine to read. When Nurse Dawn called for me we did my blood pressure, a solid 128/80 and my weight (I’ve managed to lose 8.5lbs) I explained I wasn't keeping much down.
A little more waiting and then the doctor came in. She asked how I was and told me I no longer needed to take the progesterone, which might help with the nausea, and if I don’t have any luck in the next week to call and she will give me medication for that (this week has been a rough week with the vomiting).
Then came the fun stuff, the Doppler. I lowered my draws and she slathered my belly up and started searching for that little guy/gal. She didn’t find anything off the bat and told me that was normal this early in the game. She could hear movement and a slight heartbeat but wanted to double check me on the ultrasound! Oh excitement, I hadn’t been expecting to see it again so soon!
So into the US room with more goo on my belly and a big computer screen staring me in the face. Again had to do a little searching, I have a tilted uterus…. And pop there he/she was again, and this time it totally looked like a human. He/she was still sitting rather low in my pelvis which is why it was hard to find the heartbeat. The best part was every time the doctor would find him/her it would jump, literally! We were laughing so hard, I had to turn my head so I wouldn’t laugh so she could get a good reading.
A great end to a tough week!

The scan doesn’t look like much, but the baby's little head is bottom mid-right and it's belly is just to the left of that, there is a small arm/hand just above the belly.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Well he/she's the size of a fig, this seems quite a lot larger than last week... explains the cramping and stretching pains I'm getting my uterus I bet!

BeBe's finger's aren't webbed anymore and he/she has skin, the beginnings of fingernails, and tooth buds. Expected to grow three times its length in the next three weeks. Gosh!
I have received a great book from my dear friend and experienced mother, Julie. Julie and Paul also got us a Cardinals bib, towels, and washclothes! Also got fun Mother's Day as you wait cards from friends and family and a fun first trimester kit full of bubble bath, Tums, and lotions from Heather.
I also found out I'm a week difference from my friend Luci and we are having fun sharing info back and forth about how we are feeling. She's a week ahead and is informing me what to expect, she's also a nurse so I'm going to be hitting her up with medical questions!
I am feeling a lot better and have been able to have three meals a day for the last three days, and the vomiting has subsided. I see my doctor next Tuesday to hear the heart beat again (I think I love this more than the ultrasounds!) and to check my weight, blood pressure and urine.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Just haven't met you yet.
Driving to work this morning, it was about 10:00, so all the morning DJ's were off and it was a transition phase, they play the most and the best music at this time of the day. The song "Just Haven't Met you Yet" by Michael Buble came on. I realize he is singing about finding his love some day, but every other lyric that I listen to I started to relate more and more to it as a mother to be. I thought it was perfect, at lunch over Noodles & Co. Michael agreed this is our anthem for the next six and a half months.... Brings tears to my eyes now. I love to look at it like this.... Enjoy.
And I know someday that it'll all turn out
You'll make me work, so we can work to work it out
And I promise you, kid, that I give so much more than I get
I just haven't met you yet
I might have to wait, I'll never give up
I guess it's half timing, and the other half's luck
Wherever you are, whenever it's right
You'll come out of nowhere and into my life
And I know that we can be so amazing
And, baby, your love is gonna change me
And now I can see every possibility
And somehow I know that it'll all turn out
You'll make me work, so we can work to work it out
And I promise you, kid, I give so much more than I get
I just haven't met you yet
They say all's fair
In love and war
But I won't need to fight it
We'll get it right and we'll be united
And I know that we can be so amazing
And being in your life is gonna change me
And now I can see every single possibility
And someday I know it'll all turn out
And I'll work to work it out
Promise you, kid, I'll give more than I get
Than I get, than I get, than I get
Oh, you know it'll all turn out
And you'll make me work so we can work to work it out
And I promise you kid to give so much more than I get
Yeah, I just haven't met you yet
I just haven't met you yet
Oh, promise you, kid
To give so much more than I get
I said love, love, love, love
Love, love, love, love(I just haven't met you yet)
Love, love, love, love
Love, love
I just haven't met you yet
And I know someday that it'll all turn out
You'll make me work, so we can work to work it out
And I promise you, kid, that I give so much more than I get
I just haven't met you yet
I might have to wait, I'll never give up
I guess it's half timing, and the other half's luck
Wherever you are, whenever it's right
You'll come out of nowhere and into my life
And I know that we can be so amazing
And, baby, your love is gonna change me
And now I can see every possibility
And somehow I know that it'll all turn out
You'll make me work, so we can work to work it out
And I promise you, kid, I give so much more than I get
I just haven't met you yet
They say all's fair
In love and war
But I won't need to fight it
We'll get it right and we'll be united
And I know that we can be so amazing
And being in your life is gonna change me
And now I can see every single possibility
And someday I know it'll all turn out
And I'll work to work it out
Promise you, kid, I'll give more than I get
Than I get, than I get, than I get
Oh, you know it'll all turn out
And you'll make me work so we can work to work it out
And I promise you kid to give so much more than I get
Yeah, I just haven't met you yet
I just haven't met you yet
Oh, promise you, kid
To give so much more than I get
I said love, love, love, love
Love, love, love, love(I just haven't met you yet)
Love, love, love, love
Love, love
I just haven't met you yet
Monday, May 10, 2010
Becoming a Daddy
Friday, May 7, 2010
Will I’d like to apologize to my future child and the few readers I have I missed my first Thursday post!
Yesterday was Thursday, a big day in the weeks of my gestation, and I missed it. I say this because when I first found out I was pregnant I created a profile on and through minimal calculations they determined the beginning of my gestational weeks were Thursdays! So since then I get wonderful emails from them outlining the progress of my fetus and what I might be feeling as a pregnant lady. I was excited to share the news with everyone, and already to make Thursday post something special and something to look forward to, but it was a totally shoot crap of a day.
The most vomiting I’ve had all pregnancy, all day exhaustion like no other, and shortness of breath (to be looked at further as possible adult onset asthma, triggered by hormone changes – WHO KNEW!!) Not a pleasant way to start off my Thursday post, but I wanted to get them started!
Kumquat! Every week compares the growing baby to a food of some sort, something my mom, Michael and I have all found rather humorous and stuck with. This little guy/gal has been everything from a blubbery to his/her current oh none other than a Kumquat! (Admittedly I didn't know what I kumquat was, but Michael informed me it's like a large orange grape). Its fingernails have started to grow and "peach fuzz" is noticeable.
The email also suggest this is about the time you would first hear the heart beat, however, Michael and I got to here that April 12!
Hope you enjoyed my first Thursday post!
Yesterday was Thursday, a big day in the weeks of my gestation, and I missed it. I say this because when I first found out I was pregnant I created a profile on and through minimal calculations they determined the beginning of my gestational weeks were Thursdays! So since then I get wonderful emails from them outlining the progress of my fetus and what I might be feeling as a pregnant lady. I was excited to share the news with everyone, and already to make Thursday post something special and something to look forward to, but it was a totally shoot crap of a day.
The most vomiting I’ve had all pregnancy, all day exhaustion like no other, and shortness of breath (to be looked at further as possible adult onset asthma, triggered by hormone changes – WHO KNEW!!) Not a pleasant way to start off my Thursday post, but I wanted to get them started!
Kumquat! Every week compares the growing baby to a food of some sort, something my mom, Michael and I have all found rather humorous and stuck with. This little guy/gal has been everything from a blubbery to his/her current oh none other than a Kumquat! (Admittedly I didn't know what I kumquat was, but Michael informed me it's like a large orange grape). Its fingernails have started to grow and "peach fuzz" is noticeable.
The email also suggest this is about the time you would first hear the heart beat, however, Michael and I got to here that April 12!
Hope you enjoyed my first Thursday post!
New City – Three years ago I dropped everything and went back to school on a mission for a teaching certificate, and got my Masters in the process. Since graduation last year I have been looking for a teaching position and am still actively looking.
Through the strong coaxing of my mom, I have slowed the looking every since I found out I was pregnant. You see New City pays 100% of my health benefits and 50% of any spouse or dependent To add on to that I also get six weeks PAID maternity leave, something that isn’t every common now-a-days. Not to mention, my boss, is very caring towards her employees, especially pregnant female employees. So I have no doubt she would be rather understanding when all of this comes full swing.
The draw back – I make less money than I have at any professional job post graduation than I ever have and ever hope to! I have my masters and an internal struggle that I’m not getting what I’m worth...I’m not! So through my mom’s coaxing and Michael encouraging me to find a job that makes more money I have recently applied for two very promising positions.
One of the positions I found on MOREAP, the website that caters to teachers looking for jobs or anyone looking for a job in mostly public school systems, the jobs is a high school position at Fort Zumwalt, starting salary at least $12,000 more than what I’m making now. The second position isn’t fully opened yet, but my cooperating teacher called me about it and told me to send my resume to the HR head of City of St. Charles School District, again $10,000 pay increase. All those pay increases may sound like a lot, but I actually don’t make a lot at all, so those thousands of dollars will just bring me up to speed with the rest of the working world.
Struggle – it’s hard enough to talk to the nurses and office staff about what my current insurance will take and cover during this processes and the intimidation of switching to a new job and potentially new insurance is daunting! But my big pictures is simply this – if I’m making that much more in my salary I can get over the shit I’m going to have to deal with insurance...right?
Through the strong coaxing of my mom, I have slowed the looking every since I found out I was pregnant. You see New City pays 100% of my health benefits and 50% of any spouse or dependent To add on to that I also get six weeks PAID maternity leave, something that isn’t every common now-a-days. Not to mention, my boss, is very caring towards her employees, especially pregnant female employees. So I have no doubt she would be rather understanding when all of this comes full swing.
The draw back – I make less money than I have at any professional job post graduation than I ever have and ever hope to! I have my masters and an internal struggle that I’m not getting what I’m worth...I’m not! So through my mom’s coaxing and Michael encouraging me to find a job that makes more money I have recently applied for two very promising positions.
One of the positions I found on MOREAP, the website that caters to teachers looking for jobs or anyone looking for a job in mostly public school systems, the jobs is a high school position at Fort Zumwalt, starting salary at least $12,000 more than what I’m making now. The second position isn’t fully opened yet, but my cooperating teacher called me about it and told me to send my resume to the HR head of City of St. Charles School District, again $10,000 pay increase. All those pay increases may sound like a lot, but I actually don’t make a lot at all, so those thousands of dollars will just bring me up to speed with the rest of the working world.
Struggle – it’s hard enough to talk to the nurses and office staff about what my current insurance will take and cover during this processes and the intimidation of switching to a new job and potentially new insurance is daunting! But my big pictures is simply this – if I’m making that much more in my salary I can get over the shit I’m going to have to deal with insurance...right?
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
A Scare
We first found out we were having a baby on a Tuesday morning. My normal Aunt Flow visit, if you will, is usually the second to last Thursday of the month until the last Tuesday of the month (I know this because we were attempting to start a family and you keep charts of this stuff).
So the last Tuesday of March rolled around and I hadn’t gotten my visit. Monday night prior, I bought the cheapest at home pregnancy test I could find (those things can run an upwards of $30) either you are or you aren’t, is how I see it. So Tuesday morning I jumped out of bed and held my pee for what seemed like way to long trying to tear open the package and read the directions. So I do my thing: 10 seconds, mid stream, and wait. It was still early so when the second little window started to turn from a minus sign to a plus sign I had to rub my eyes and blink a few times.
Michael and I literally rolled around in bed, kicking our heels to the ceiling, I couldn’t believe it. Grins and giggles and fun texts messages all day about being a mom and dad were exchanged. We had lunch and giggled some more!
I called the doctor’s office Tuesday morning after we found out. They told me they would be able to get me in April 21, about three weeks from that point, but that I was suppose to get blood work done tomorrow morning so they could double check the pee test.
Wednesday morning before work I went and got blood work done and headed off to work, the day again was filled with giggles and fun text exchanges. But the drive home was a different story. I started to feel a very dull cramp in my lower right side and every bump I hit in the road made it worst. I got home and Michael was making dinner and something started not to feel right. I used the bathroom and noticed a lot of bleeding, something that’s not normal for a pregnant woman. So I sighed and told Michael we might have got our hopes up too quickly. I got extremely tired that night and called it an early night.
I called my doctor the next morning and explained to her that I must have got a false positive. “Nope, you’re blood work came back full fledge pregnant, you need to come in right away.” WHAT! Are you kidding me, I had already excepted the fact this wasn’t going to happen and she tells me that things must just be out of whack and they need to get things back into whack. So with the doctor’s visit and the subsided bleeding it was determined that I have low levels of the hormone Progesterone, everything else was headed in the right direction for making this little seed into a baby.
Low Progesterone levels will cause the lining of the uterus to become week and bleeding during pregnancy is a common side effect of these low levels. This has to be kept under control or it could turn into something worst. The doctor has put me on prescription bio-identical Progesterone call Prometrium (more to come on my love of Prometrium) for my first trimester. Since then things have been going smoothly.
So the last Tuesday of March rolled around and I hadn’t gotten my visit. Monday night prior, I bought the cheapest at home pregnancy test I could find (those things can run an upwards of $30) either you are or you aren’t, is how I see it. So Tuesday morning I jumped out of bed and held my pee for what seemed like way to long trying to tear open the package and read the directions. So I do my thing: 10 seconds, mid stream, and wait. It was still early so when the second little window started to turn from a minus sign to a plus sign I had to rub my eyes and blink a few times.
Michael and I literally rolled around in bed, kicking our heels to the ceiling, I couldn’t believe it. Grins and giggles and fun texts messages all day about being a mom and dad were exchanged. We had lunch and giggled some more!
I called the doctor’s office Tuesday morning after we found out. They told me they would be able to get me in April 21, about three weeks from that point, but that I was suppose to get blood work done tomorrow morning so they could double check the pee test.
Wednesday morning before work I went and got blood work done and headed off to work, the day again was filled with giggles and fun text exchanges. But the drive home was a different story. I started to feel a very dull cramp in my lower right side and every bump I hit in the road made it worst. I got home and Michael was making dinner and something started not to feel right. I used the bathroom and noticed a lot of bleeding, something that’s not normal for a pregnant woman. So I sighed and told Michael we might have got our hopes up too quickly. I got extremely tired that night and called it an early night.
I called my doctor the next morning and explained to her that I must have got a false positive. “Nope, you’re blood work came back full fledge pregnant, you need to come in right away.” WHAT! Are you kidding me, I had already excepted the fact this wasn’t going to happen and she tells me that things must just be out of whack and they need to get things back into whack. So with the doctor’s visit and the subsided bleeding it was determined that I have low levels of the hormone Progesterone, everything else was headed in the right direction for making this little seed into a baby.
Low Progesterone levels will cause the lining of the uterus to become week and bleeding during pregnancy is a common side effect of these low levels. This has to be kept under control or it could turn into something worst. The doctor has put me on prescription bio-identical Progesterone call Prometrium (more to come on my love of Prometrium) for my first trimester. Since then things have been going smoothly.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
The Aviator
When Michael and I first moved in with each other we were paying $500 a month in rent and the only expense we were paying on were student loans and a credit card I’d taken out in college. Life was good.
In June of 2006 we had a bad storm go though town and all the car dealers were advertising “hale damaged deals”. So Michael who was driving around his grandpa’s purple Ford Probe got the idea it was time for him to get a new truck, rightly so. Long story short, we didn’t get the $14000 hale damaged one, but the truck that was twice that much. Looking at our life style at the time it doesn’t surprise me. We could afford the payments and he needed the hauling power.
Well then life happened. We decided to buy a house in the blink of an eye; one of those “it’s a good deal, how could we pass this up” thing. I quit my job and went back to school. And my poor dear husband got laid off twice in less than two years. You do what you can when things don’t go as planned which means taking our more credit cards, borrowing money from family, that you still haven’t been able to pay off, home equity loans, and defer student loans.
I had begged him to try to sell the truck for sometime now, with no luck. I saw it as the quickest way to save money and a pretty big chunk of it monthly. Well for whatever reason, manliness, pride, etc. he held on to and we worked around it.
Early February we “pulled the goalie” on the contraceptives and went for it, so it was late March when I first took a pregnancy test that showed us that awesome little plus sign. Since then, Michael has been doing all in his power to trade in the truck, sell the truck, and/or somehow drop the payments, and get a more family friendly vehicle. I’m impressed. He was going to purchase a Lincoln Aviator, with monthly payments half of what we were paying the other day, and all I said was that I trust him. So far we still have the big hunk of fuel sucking metal in our driveway, but I feel we’re heading in the right direction. He’s doing what he can to become a dad and that is something I feel honored to witness.
In June of 2006 we had a bad storm go though town and all the car dealers were advertising “hale damaged deals”. So Michael who was driving around his grandpa’s purple Ford Probe got the idea it was time for him to get a new truck, rightly so. Long story short, we didn’t get the $14000 hale damaged one, but the truck that was twice that much. Looking at our life style at the time it doesn’t surprise me. We could afford the payments and he needed the hauling power.
Well then life happened. We decided to buy a house in the blink of an eye; one of those “it’s a good deal, how could we pass this up” thing. I quit my job and went back to school. And my poor dear husband got laid off twice in less than two years. You do what you can when things don’t go as planned which means taking our more credit cards, borrowing money from family, that you still haven’t been able to pay off, home equity loans, and defer student loans.
I had begged him to try to sell the truck for sometime now, with no luck. I saw it as the quickest way to save money and a pretty big chunk of it monthly. Well for whatever reason, manliness, pride, etc. he held on to and we worked around it.
Early February we “pulled the goalie” on the contraceptives and went for it, so it was late March when I first took a pregnancy test that showed us that awesome little plus sign. Since then, Michael has been doing all in his power to trade in the truck, sell the truck, and/or somehow drop the payments, and get a more family friendly vehicle. I’m impressed. He was going to purchase a Lincoln Aviator, with monthly payments half of what we were paying the other day, and all I said was that I trust him. So far we still have the big hunk of fuel sucking metal in our driveway, but I feel we’re heading in the right direction. He’s doing what he can to become a dad and that is something I feel honored to witness.
Morning Sickness
Well thankfully I'm already 9 weeks pregnant. I say thankfully because I have been suffering through morning sickness since about week 6 and I'm told relief will come at the end of my 12 weeks/first trimester. I hate to make this my first blog entry, but honestly it's all I think, do, sleep, and eat/don't eat these days...
I will lie in bed in the mornings dreading getting up knowing it will trigger some sort of a gag. I get pissed at myself and in an almost daring way tell myself to throw something up. I know I haven't eaten in the last 12 hours, nothing's coming up. So needless to say I sit on the side of the bed and heave for a while until I can move enough to get up.
Michael is sweet and feeds the dog, a smell I usually can't stand even sans pregnancy, while I'm frantically, in a very lethargic way, opening the winds in the house. Such a romantic life we lead. God bless Michael.
If I can get something down for breakfast and I usually try to, I may have a muffin, banana, or cereal. This morning I had a bagel, my mom has been suggesting toast, and gets upset when I tell her I ate something other than toast in the morning, so hopefully the bagel will suffice the opinionated MeMa-to-be. Which in all reality she "probably" (she does) knows what she’s talking about. She informed me of a god-sent remedy she used for her queasiness during pregnancy; Cheez-Its – and goodness are they ever, would cure a pregnant horse in my opinion.
For the most part this feeling will last all day (7-4:30) and by the time dinner rolls around I’m starving as all I’ve eaten is Cheez-Its. Though this is all more than inconvenient, for the time being, I thank God and Mother Nature what seems to be hourly for letting me experience this miracle.
I will lie in bed in the mornings dreading getting up knowing it will trigger some sort of a gag. I get pissed at myself and in an almost daring way tell myself to throw something up. I know I haven't eaten in the last 12 hours, nothing's coming up. So needless to say I sit on the side of the bed and heave for a while until I can move enough to get up.
Michael is sweet and feeds the dog, a smell I usually can't stand even sans pregnancy, while I'm frantically, in a very lethargic way, opening the winds in the house. Such a romantic life we lead. God bless Michael.
If I can get something down for breakfast and I usually try to, I may have a muffin, banana, or cereal. This morning I had a bagel, my mom has been suggesting toast, and gets upset when I tell her I ate something other than toast in the morning, so hopefully the bagel will suffice the opinionated MeMa-to-be. Which in all reality she "probably" (she does) knows what she’s talking about. She informed me of a god-sent remedy she used for her queasiness during pregnancy; Cheez-Its – and goodness are they ever, would cure a pregnant horse in my opinion.
For the most part this feeling will last all day (7-4:30) and by the time dinner rolls around I’m starving as all I’ve eaten is Cheez-Its. Though this is all more than inconvenient, for the time being, I thank God and Mother Nature what seems to be hourly for letting me experience this miracle.
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